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11th October 2014, Saturday

Woke up early in the morning to start my journey to Gamcheon Culture Village. I started my journey from Sasang Station , purple line, I easily can go to green line 2 for interchange to orange line 1. 

How to go to Gamcheon Culture Village?

- Take subway line 1 (orange colour) and stop at Toseong-dong.
- Take exit 6
-You will come to intersection don't worry, just walk and then turn right at the corner then walk straight until you see Cancer Hospital on your right.
- There are bus stop right in front of the hospital.
- Take either bus 2 or 2-2
- This bus will take you to Gamcheon Culture Village at the top of the hill
Don't worry about where to stop because so many people will stop there too and they are just tourist like you.

What is Gamcheon Culture Village?

Gamcheon Culture Village are well known as Santorini of Korea and also Korea's Machu Pichu. To me this place is very attractive and beautiful. This place is originally a sanctuary for Korean War refugees in early 50s. The refugees then stayed and settled in this neighborhood of Busan. The residents then grows to more 4,000 residents and around 800 houses in the area. Tourist can enjoy beautiful art and mural in this village too. Not too forget the fabulous atmosphere and view while walking around this village.

What to expect when you visit to Gamcheon Culture Village?

1. Buy a map cost you KW2,000 and you just walk around collecting stamps at places shown in the map.

* Photo gallery
* Constellation
* Haneul Maru
* Book Cafe
* The House of Peace
* The House of Light
* Art Shop
* Community Center
* Lil Museum

Once complete this course you can redeem your free postcard. Even if you don't complete the tour route is so much fun! IMA don't complete all the stamp and you will know why if you read further.

2. There are a lot of stairs and climbing up steep road and going down steep road. There are bumpy road and narrow path too. High heel is big NO or you suffer! So please wear comfortable shoes. IMA wore sport no big deal! Seriously need lots of stamina visiting this place.

3. Visiting time end at 6pm. So please start your journey early as possible. 

4. You will expect to compete taking photos with stream of tourist and they can be local or foreign.

5. Please be quiet and polite when you visiting other people house. The residents who still live there need to be respected. Its their homeland for goodness sake!

6. Lastly, start walking and enjoy the view. Many beautiful photos can be snap for your memories!

My early breakfast before all the walking!
I bought this delimanjoo a lot as my snacking in Busan. huhuhuhuh IMA gain weight despite too many walking path!

IMA reached at Toseong Station , Exit 6 then got confused where to walk to take the bus. IMA asked a group of Ajussi by pointing at the map. Then Ajussi replied  enthusiastically in Korean and IMA interpret it as  .....

" We are also going there. We are waiting for another friend to arrive and later we walk together to the bus stop "

hehehehehe watching Korean Drama not bad after all. It improve my Korean language listening skills.kekekekeke

Yeah! IMA literally follow group of hiking Ajussi to bus stop and there many other tourist waiting for the same bus. YEAYYYYYY!!!!! I am not lost!

Can't help it to buy this Hotteok! Delicious weiiiiiiii....mochi like  fried dough with brown sugar then that Ajumma use scissor to cut the fried dough and insert in various grains like pumpkin seed , sunflower seed and others.I totally love this one!

After eat the Hotteok...IMA feel thirsty then tried this Korean Sweet Rice Drink called Sikhye. Whoaaaaaa!!!!!!

IMA don't take good picture.
It was soooooo damn windy!!!!

mmmmm... not easy to pose at the mural and take photo. So use others as my model...nahhhhh!

Remember this in Running Man????

The most beautiful and cheeky dog I met at Gamcheon. This dog is damn beautiful!!!!
See? That dog smile and pose when I took photos!

Ah! so lazy to climb back up!
Leg hurt ledi...weiiiiiiii!
But need to go back the same route to the entrance for bus back to subway.isk isk isk isk why? why? why?
Ya ya...IMA continue the drama alone.

No matter my heart protest..I still need to continue my journey.

Too cold!
So IMA bought some cappuccino to warm up!

The end of my Gamcheon Culture Village tour in Busan.
All photos are randomly posted here. Too many la....

Next IMA visit Jagalchi Market!

To download this article for offline reading or travel directions to the attractions highlighted in this article click here.


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