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I was touring Bukit Tinggi - Padang, Indonesia on 14th Feb - 17th Feb 2015. Seriously, this place isn't my choice of place to visit at all. Not even tiny bit in my traveling list. I was here as tour leader to my old folk.
Feb 14th , is my Dad's birthday and this is sort of his birthday present from me. Dad officially 73 years old and Mum is coming to 67 years old coming May 5th.

Bringing old people, make me realise my future. huhuhuh...I am going to be like them traveling and the different ...I don't have the children privilege to bring me around. I am sort of lonely old woman traveler soon. DAMN!

I purchase air ticket online from Air Asia and hire a mini van with driver. Itinerary based on my online research prior to this journey.

Where to visit in 2 nights at Bukit Tinggi?

1. Air Terjun , Lembah Anai. 
Entrance fees IDR3,000/pax.

What you can see?

Waterfall. There were legend saying the water is a fountain of youth.
You believe that?
Well, I still see many old people in Bukit Tinggi ,though.
So you can make your own conclusion.

2. Rumah Gadang aka Tourist Information Center.

Pay IDR5,000/pax
This is a must place to visit for better understanding of 'Minang' people and their custom.
I sort of enjoy here the most.

You can listen to the lady in charge telling you the stories. Seriously, I enjoyed listening to her the most.  I love the landscape and surrounding here.

You can pay to wear the Minang's costume and take photo. I paid for both my parent. While waiting for them to change...kekekeke...'Project Supermodel' pose! kakakaka...nobody can say anything to this woman.

3. Pasar Atas and Jam Gadang

For those who love shopping? Can visit Pasar Atas to shop your favourite embroidery cloth and 'telekung' for prayer and also souveniers. I am not a shopping type , so don't really fancy this crowded place at all.

However, since this is just like walkign distance from place I stayed so no harm to have a quick look of this place since I already here.

Did I bring my parent here? Nope! They can't walk here. I brought them to boutique where driver can easily stop in front of the shop and require less walking for them.

4. Kopi Kiniko and Pisang Salai

Here you can see how people make 'pisang salai' or 'smoke banana'. I don't like banana so don't really like this.

At same place can sample 'mulberry tea' and 'coffee leaf tea' with cinnamon stick while enjoying the beautiful view of Bukit Tinggi.
I kind of like the view and bought back 'Mulberry Leaf and Coffee Leaf tea ' back home.

You can shop many 'sanjai' or snacks here too.

On the way to Istana Pagar Ruyung, you can ask the driver to have a quick stop at:

5. 'Batu Bersurat'

6.The King's Thomb.

 7. Silindung Bulan Palace

All this is on the way to the Grand Palace.

8. Pagaruyung Minangkabau Palace.
Entrance fees : IDR12,000/pax

Since I was with old parent so the first thing I did is to pay extra IDR5,000/pax for mini train ride to tour around the big compound of this Grand Palace.

I could describe this place as stunning architecture even thought this is not the original one.

9. Lake Singkarak

It look like an ocean than a lake. This Singkarak water is use to generate power for the West Sumatra and Riau provinces. It specialty is a small fish called 'ikan bilih'. According to my driver the taste is sweeter than normal anchovies. Not sure since I never taste this.

10. Oldest mosque

According to the old man who is the guardian here, this place was built in 18th century. I can't verified this since my Dad are the only one interested to listen to him. was busy taking photo and scaring my mum. yeah...naughty woman!

11. Sianok Canyon
Entrance fees IDR3,000/pax which combined with Japanese Tunnel 

This place is near the Japanese Tunnel so you can combined the tour. It has stunning natural view. I love the scenery here.

12. Japanese Tunnel

I paid local tour guide extra RM50 to tell us the history of this Tunnel since parent are so extremely excited, to walk down the Japanese Tunnel and going through the 132 staircase down.  No choice the lazy fat ass daughters have to follow down too.

Our driver was so shocked to receive a call from the tour guide to pick us from the other side of the tunnel. Who can expect that 67 and 73 years old woman and man walk down that staircase and going through that long tunnel.

All I can say ...I am very touch with my parent high motivation through out this journey despite their movement limitation.

13. Stop at Kelok 37 to admire the nice view

14. Stop at 44 hairpin curved for a beautiful view to the lake Manijau and Pariaman. Sorry no photo since we didn't stop here since the weather its not that good.

Tips :

- Journey to each places may take around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- The road is curvy and up and down hills , so for those who cannot take such routes please be well prepared. 
- You can also spend with MYR currency in Bukit Tinggi
- This place is haven for people with good bargain skills. I am damn bad at this so no shopping for me.

Check out my next post on place to visit at Padang, West Sumatra.

To download this article for offline reading or travel directions to the attractions highlighted in this article click here.


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