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Things To Do in HuaHin : Night Market and Shopping

Current mood totally doesn't feel like updating anything in this blog. My motivation super low to the extent I feel everything going down to drain. Look at my HuaHin trip last December 2018 entry. Super slow to finish. huhuhuhuh

Reason? Well...recently change job and the workload is super amazing impossible for a weak mind. Mental breakdown to see all the deadlines which eventually make me feel like I am on the death row kind situation. Damn! So horrible dramatic meh??? Yeah! a bit exaggerated to say it is like a death row, right? To me...this is my life choice. Keep telling to put on that brave face and confront all heads on! isk isk isk..stay mental strong!

Back to original post title....

If you read my previous post for HuaHin, this city is more layback and less touristy than Bangkok or any other part of Thailand. They immediately know I am from Malaysia because only AA fly directly to HuaHin. They even play Malay song at the airport during boarding back to KUL.

Shopping and eat here, I won't comment this is a cheap place due to our MYR is super tiny. Thank you to my dear country. This is why I think all those 'begpacker' kind of stupid to beg at our country. Why beg from small currency country like ours? They should do that in their own country and spend like the richer in our country! Well, guest, our country people mind still shallow think all the white is someone to look up for. Here money for you to travel the world. I can work my ass off to buy my first plane to Penang later. WTH!  Be generous to the right people la! 


BluPort HuaHin Resort Mall

I love this mall because of its great design and they also have many shops and eateries here. I won't say its a cheap place to shop or eat. At least you would pay twice as outside price. Of course, the ambience is the price you paid for. I don't shop anything here. I just had my late afternoon meal here.  My hotel provides free shuttle to this place but going back to the hotel is very challenging because I have to get on to one of the 'minibus' or to me just a mini truck with the price of THB10. I end up standing outside behind this min truck. Lucky is a short ride. ahak! an exciting experience for me.

I walked into one of the restaurants in Blue Port and end up ordering some of their food. I wanted to try the Tom Yam but kind of a bit too much to take this alone. The awesome seafood pancake and my all time favourite snack in Thailand called Kanom Krok or Coconut Pancakes. Super delicious. Since this is in a quite a high-end restaurant they sell this at THB60 for 6 pieces. You can get this at half of the price with the same amount. huhuhuhuh...advisable to get this from night market but still depends on which night market. Highly recommended Kanom Krok if you in Thailand or HuaHin. I first ate this during my Chiangmai trip a few years back. Die happiness to finally found this again on my first day here at HuaHin. hehehehe

Overall, Blue Port Shopping Mall kind of high-end mall to me. Pricey but worth to visit.

Market Village HuaHin

Well, this is the largest shopping complex in HuaHin. You will find a variety of souvenirs and food here too. The food court at the basement offers some local delicacies for you to try and the shop there is totally like its name, 'market style'. I ordered one Thai tea. I end up getting 2 glasses of this for the price of THB35. I was a bit puzzled at first. I had one with condensed milk and the other sort of 'teh kosong' style. Well, I was told to drink the sweet one and drink the other to wash off the sweetness. me this is just tea. hahahaha... What you expect me to comment? It's just a Thai Tea. I don't fancy this. Just tea!

I recommend doing some shopping here if you like Thai items and hate bargain at the night market. I am not a bargain type and I don't really shop much here. Just some cashew nuts. huhuhuh Price is better here compare to Blue Port. By the way, this place is just the same street with Blue Port. Just take a ride in one of those mini truck to bring you here. Worth a visit!

Tamarind market

There is 2 famous night market at 5 to 10 minutes walking distance from the place I stayed HuaHin. How convenient.....That's my main reason to stay at that place because transport will be a problem for me since I was so lazy to take one of those mini truck. Not easy to get one too if during peak hours.

Where I stay in HuaHin?
Check out my other post HERE. I wrote it there. 

Tamarind market open from Thursday to Sunday. I was there from Thursday to Sunday. hahaha..Miss Kiasurina never miss one night. She just chills out at Tamarind Market listen to live band and eat. That's a real getaway feeling!  Price is a lot cheaper here compare to the other place. The food is better here. I enjoy the food here more than the other market. 

From grilled seafood, freshly baked pizza, favourite pad thai to my all time must have snacks Kanom Krok. Everything is reasonably priced and over here I got to taste a different flavour of Kanom Krok at only THB30. Hurl!!! told you we can get this at half price. I still prefer the original flavour Kanom Krok.

By the way not many souvenirs you can get from Tamarind Market. Most stalls here sell food.

Cicada Market

Cicada Market and Tamarind Market are next to each other. It just Cicada Market open from Friday to Sunday. This is the most well-known tourist place since not many places to visit in HuaHin. huhuhu...It just over here you have to buy a coupon before purchase the food and drink. The price is pricey compared to the Tamarind Market.

This place kind of more happening too because they sell many souvenirs and many live shows from live performance to some water theatre too. I tried much seafood here.

All these my few nights foods with no rice. Eat like King and forget about that Princess look. Dig in baybehhhhh!!!!

My favourite Kanom Krok cost me THB50 at Cicada Market. Haihhhhh... this Nutella Rotee cost me THB30. 

Overall all places have their own charm to explore. Anywhere with food is a good place for me. hahahaha...its ok if they don't sell souvenirs but the food is a must for me. 

If you visit Cicada Market don't forget to visit one the shop sells all Pineapples product. Buy some of the biscuits. It looks like a normally weighted biscuit you can find at our country but seriously, I regret to buy just one tub. I brought some to the workplace and they said its super delicious. Serious so sedap!!! I am not a pineapples fan but loving that so much. No photo because at first thought that just regular biscuits! kekekeke

I have one more post for HuaHin then its done.


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