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Belitong or Balitong

Balitung & Water Melon Juice
Balitung Balitung

So? What for Saturday?
I am out of my house since morning.
Yup! as early as 9.30am.
Here goes my car servicing plan... gone.
Next week morning then.
I went to Cheras Mahkota waited for my potential downline.
Appointment at 10.30am but she reached around 11.30am.
mmmm... no comment :(
Anyway, I was busy registring my VIP Shoppers to system and as well as selecting my maintainance products.
Then do presentation to my potential and walah off to go for site recee.
I went to Melawati and Wangsa Maju.
I guess almost 10 years never been there.
That place under seriously developed like nobody business not to mentioned they even have new Wangsa Walk!
Then around tried DUKE highway and heading to One U.
Thought of watching movie but end up do some window shopping.
Too many human inside the shopping mall.
Break my fast with juice work - Sping Clean - a mixture of Celery, Water Melon and Apple.
Verdict : for RM8++ too many ice and a lil bit of ingredients go back and blend yourself hahaha not worth it
Star : 2 star
Then eat Chang Kee Spricy Curry Puff 1 piece
Verdit : for RM1.60 per piece ,still freaking hot and this is my comment ' fabulous!!!'
Star : 5 star
Then heading towards Sri Hartamas for balitung yeah in Malay call Siput Sedut.
Not really like this last time because Malay normaly cook this in Masak Lemak Kuuning style so I feel a bit not so happening to try this.
Anyway feel a bit awful for suck that waht ever it is inside there.
I really started to like this Balitung when my friend make me tried this at Sri Hartamas during Valentines Day!!!!
The way they fried the Balitung with Triangle Beans and Dried Shrimp.... Heaven!!!!
Best thing is can see all that White People sucking the Balitung too..
Here goes Malaysia food likeable and others can't just resist.
Ordered Balitung, Cockles and Glam Lamb Burger... no rice baybeh and no rice
Verdict : The food for was fabulous!!!!
Star : 10 stars
I only reached home around almost 11pm.
Tiring but love the experience and see more thing.
Today I am going to De Palma to break my fast with x coursemate.
Yup! a bunch of Malay friend that I still have.
Heart a bit heavy here because I don't really like buffet spread (so rugi coz I don't eat much and I feel such a waste plus this is not ramadhan all about to waste on food)
Anyway, I just want to see Farah & Syam whom just came back from UK.
Long time never see both of them.
I don't know what to wear.
Baju Kurung (awkward coz I only wear this twice a year during 2 raya)
Maybe just settle with mini dress and jeans...
I need to wash & blow my hair later.
Need to look good though since I am freaking meaty nowaday.
I dont want to walk in that restaurant with my greasy spring hair and my meaty body hahaha yeah! thats the way to describe me.
OK! thats all my update for now.
I need to study my product knowledge well and prepare for next week.
My assignment?? I had sent to everybody my portion (its group assignment)
Since my group mates this time is freaking happening so no feedback.
I have to suck up my emotion... although my ego its damn geram with last minute job.


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