It is fasting month, I don't eat during day time and can only it 7.30pm onwards until 5.45am.
I totally lost my appetite.
I can't take any solid food or it goes down to the toilet bowl.
So I decided to just drink and eat dates or some fruits. Oooppsss! plus oat!
Although this couldn't help much but this is better than not eating or eat and throw up!
Oh ya! talking about that.
I found this Jennifer Hudson one of the Americal Idol and she is one of 'Dreamgirls' star.
She manage to achieve from plus size to '0' size.
Look at her body before and after!
She is one persistent and hardworking lady.
Don't you think she look fabulous?
Harley Pasternak help her to look this fabulous using five-factor fitness.
Five minute segments in life.
- 5 minutes -cardio warm up (don't need treadmill, just jogging,marching,boxing,opposite knee to opposite elbow)
- 5 minutes -work on upper body strength (just use dumbbell)
- 5 minutes - work on lower body strenght
- 5 minutes - work on abdominals (don't only focus on crunches but strengthen from all sides)
- Final 5 minutes - cardio cool down (you could jogg lightly pr playing your favourite sport)
Harley the expert who responsible to turn Jennifer from Princess Shrek to fabulous Princess Fiona says :
The key to look fabulous is :
- Eat right
- 25 minutes of exercise a day
- Being physically active
Ah! meaning my 10 minutes cardio exercise need to increase another 15 minutes???
OMG!!!! not easy to look fabulous!
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