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My flight to Nyaung U Airport (destination Bagan) from Yangon is at 3pm.
I managed to get late check out from my hotel at Yangon around 1pm.
I left by Taxi at 1pm and reached at Yangon Domestic airport around 1:45pm.
Traffic jam!!!
Just for your information you can't see any motorbike on Yangon road. Only imagine the traffic...terrible.
Anyway I am here...
Since I don't give too high expectation on their domestic airport so I am not disappointed at all.
In fact , I am relief...not that bad after all!!!

Reached there ...with my big bag...
'Minglabar'!!!! mean hello in Myanmar...
then they speak Myanmar to me... and I gave them my puzzle look...then they realise I am foreigner...then they go ...'sawadikap' to me.
Aiyoh!!! I am Thai now...
I replied back 'Kapkunkap'....I am no Myanmar I am no Thai...
I am Malaysian.... hehehehe with my smile back to them.
They go....ooooo sorry sorry....face Myanmar ? No Thai?
hehehehehe me goes no no I am Malaysian...
oooo.... then they talk to each other and go hehehehehe...
me...with my dumbest smile also go hehehehehe...whatever...give me that damn boarding pass k...
I just can't wait to fly off from here and land to the land of hundreds pagoda...

Like our express bus ticket counter huh????

Boarding here....kekekeke
At least htey have aircond and toilet.
The toilet???? mmmmm...not smelly but  just close your eyes and do your business and whatever you want to throw and done... always bring your own wipe tissue when you travel...I never leave my country without wet tissue.

Did you see that smack in the middle red weighing machine....yup!!! that one the one you could only see people weighing the sacks or rice gunny....they weight the luggage using that thing...interesting huh!

of course we still need to go through the bag scanning machine here too before enter the so called airport

You need to stick this stickers to your chest during going into theme park huh?

See that man is moving out all luggage going to load it into the aircraft

jeng jeng....the airport

We use bus to go the aircraft and there few guys waiting with umbrella on their go....ahhhhhh.... like this...mmmm ...not that bad and good experience.
I think they will improve this soon....I think...

To my amaze...
flying with aircraft and to arrive to my destination , I have to go through at least 2 stop...
Yup!!! like hop on hop off bus...
They announce something and sounded like go...Oh! shit!!! I took the wrong plane???
The white man beside me...
OK...he thought I am Myanmar and understand the language...
so he goes...

White Man : Excuse me! Is this plane going to Bagan or Mandalay?

Me : I am suppose to go to Bagan??? M I on the right plane?

White Man : Me too... You listen what they announce just now?

Me : Yup! But I don't really understand them...

White Man : you not Myanmar?

Me : Nope!!!
White Man : Oooo sorry.. I thought you are...
Me : hehehe... yeah! many thought the same too...face myanmar but I am Malaysian

Here goes the plane ride to Nyaung U chatting all the way with this Man from Spain..
He also traveling alone and the best is ...he is more adventurous...he don't even book anything..
I mean just fly in... and explore...
I wish I could do the same too...
Maybe...I will try this one day!!!!
Maybe next year...

Finally, after the long ride...I reached Nyaung U...I feel flight
Getting my luggage was like...Omo!!!
They guys carried all the luggage one by one from the aircraft and I go what the heck.
Finally met with my Driver...he was shocked to see me...
He told me..he saw me standing waiting for my luggage..he did show my name CINDYRINA...I guess too far so I could see it...
He thought I am one of those tour guide with my tourist...DAMN!!!!
He said I am Myanmar Tour Guide hahahahaha....
I just laugh and told going to talk english with this Myanmar face from today and tomorrow and the day after.... he also laugh...

All tourist to enter Bagan need to pay USD10 as ticket to Archeological site....

While riding Kyaw Swe's old Sedan car... to my hotel...the view... even though at night really mesmerised me.... Damn!!!

This is like entering to Indiana Jone movie site....or Am I now...need to tranform into Lara Croft in Tomb Raiders????? Ah!!! I go...WHOA!!! Whoa!!!... the whole ride to my hotel...Kyaw Swe just go...My friend ... have a good night sleep tonight and rest well... I will show you our Bagan tomorrow...

Ah! I just can't wait... to visit and learn the history of all this pagodas...touching the ancient structure with my bare hand... understand the mural painting from ancient time... the history of all.... OMO!!!!!

My lil cottage near Ayeryawaddy River...
I lost my way to my room a lot...most of the time need to ask people...
First night have my dinner Al Fresco under Huge Giagantic Acacia Tree with view of Ayeryawaddy River... ouch!!! I so lonely...
because all of them are couple...huhuhuhuhuh

Of course they talk Myanmar to me again... and after that night most of the resort staff...know me... woman with Myanmar face...she not Myanmar and she not Thai...I don't have to ask where is my room and they automatically show me where is my small cottage...hhahahahaha...Exotic face have an advantage huh!!!

Enjoy my first night dinner...grilled seafood platter with butter lemon sauce...

My interesting journey begin.... until I write again...


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