This is my first time eating this HAKKA call Lei Cha and this means pounded tea.
I saw this dish in HoChak not long time ago.
Always wanted to try this...finally after how many years got to taste this dishes myself.
Refreshing and I can say that the food is good for your body nutrients.
Totally vegetarian.
That green soup is the main highlights here.
Green soup is normally consist of pounded :
* tea leaves such as green tea or oolong tea
* roasted nuts like mung bean,pinenuts,sesame,soy beans
* herbs like ginger and salt to taste
Drink this soup just like that or eat like one meal with brown rice top with small dice mix vegies and nuts like how I ate....
Some people may love with this dish but some may totally no go for this super green food.
Me... love it! it just too much munching needed because mostly vegies and grains.
Super refreshing Lei Cha.
I am moving towards vegetarian slowly....I am trying to be kind to no killing and slaughter.
I am eating vegies , grain now and try to reduce seafood intake due to cholesterol.
Chicken and meat not touching for quite sometimes but I don't seriously avoid this.
Trying my best to get better options!
I still eat fish and other seafood though...with add in more vegetables to my meal most of the time.
Don't want to be too drastic change to my body by being strict vegetarian!
Be Kind To Animal!!!!
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