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Showing posts from September, 2014

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If you are fond of using social media and you are like most of the time in it....then it is wiser to monetize you freaking passion. There are many ways to monetize your passion...however, please be careful there are many scam as well. So..chose wisely! Since my google adsense was blocked and the earnings got ripped off just before I can even withdraw my first earnings...I feel so upset about this until now and since then I've been trying to find ways for my blog to be more prosper with some interesting ads. One of my blogger friend introduce me to 8share.  WHAT IS 8SHARE ? 8share is a private rewards club of Malaysian social media users who can earn cash for sharing link of advertisers campaigns to friends. It can be links of videos, movie trailers, contest, events and promos. WHO CAN JOIN 8SHARE? Well..... anyone can join 8Share if you are residing on the followings countries: Malaysia, India, Philipines,Singapore and Indonesia. If you reside outside ment


Last Friday night, while I am trying to sleep....It was a long day for me. So I am really freaking tired that night. Trying to sleep well....then... One SMS came through at 11:47pm. At first I don't feel like want to even look at it.   However...since I am one fella who can't let go thing easily. I have a quick look with one eyes open. " StanChart:Purchase of USD89.90 from card ending XXXX on 26/9/2014 at 11:29PM. Available credit XXXXX. Visit" My both eyes wide open...WTH!!!! OMO! OMO! Which ghost is digging into my purse and have a happy shopping free online with my credit card???? WTH!!!! What should I do??? What if another USD1k pop out??? I think I would faint!!!! OK..relaxxxx...don't panic! My last transaction using this card was on the same day afternoon to reload my starbuck card. I dig out my purse and took out my credit card for bank phone number. Calmly explained to the Customer Service. The


Finally I found something to reduce my inheritance panda eyes problem!!!! Yeah...been using many products to achieve at least 50% visible results for my dark circle problem..isk isk isk ...born panda eyes...imagine baby eyes like panda...thats me...when I was a baby....What nonsense????  hahahaha IMA took more than 2 months to review because IMA cannot do the review after one day use this item right!!!!IMA also try to have good sleep at night too for better result. Before purchasing this item, IMA read a review from others and many said not working and such a waste and bla bla bla bla bla... IMA decided not to get so much influence from these reviews. Different people different preferrence...and that is their what???? Dare myself to invest some cash and treat myself well...WTH!!!! Talika is eye care specialist since year 1948. This brand has created ,eye detox contour gel and eye detox purifying capsules just to help treatment under eye-puffiness and dark c


Pei Ling Chingu suggested this place Wondermama@Avenue K for our dinner. Both of us surf online to find out about menu and details about this restaurant. Apparently they started this restaurant at Bangsar Village and it was a hit back then. Avenue K branch is pretty much the new outlet. I totally love the deco. Its a mixture of culture incorporate together. Pei Ling Chingu who waited patiently for her dinner.  Try to act cute yeeeeeeee???? My selfie....trying to act cute too..WTH! Chingu's choice - Nasi Lemak with Fried Salmon cube. I was contemplating between Nasi Lemak or Spagetti Aglia Olio...but horrrr...for me ...if you serve nasi lemak...then that will be my first choice crazy over nasi lemak!!!! My choice is Nasi Lemak with Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab. The rice could be more softer and the sweet and spicy sambal with petai is delicious! Most of food is combination of Malaysian with Japanese or Korea or Indonesia.


This is a very quick recipe and suitable for busy woman who wants nutritious and less calories snack or meal. Ingredients : * Grape tomatoes * Green Apple * Chilly oil sardines (you can replace with tuna chunks. I choose sardines because sardines has more benefits than tuna) * Lemon juice Benefit : Sardines  - energy, protein, lipid or fat, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and zinc. - as for vitamin includes thiamin,riboflavin, niacin,vitamin B6,folate, vitamin B12, A, D, E ad vitamin K. Green Apple - lots of fiber which helps clean thew systems and increases metabolism. - contains mineral such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium - Rich in vitamins A,B,C Grape Tomatoes - Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium - Vitamin C and anti oxidants Lemon - strong antibacterial, antiviral, immune-boosting powers and mostly use as weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestive and liver cleanser. - Contains citric acid, magnesium, V


Recently, I have sometimes to spend for my blog. Blogging is not just about writing. There are certain technical things which you can along the way while you blogging and to improve your space. I just learn how to increase traffic to blog. You know those spam emails came in and said they can increase  traffic to your blog with certain fees. No need to pay anybody just spend 10 minutes of you time and start submit your blog link to below FREE sites. Link submission not only could improve your traffic but also to increase google page rank. Tips : * use your secondary email address during submission since this FREE Submission normally will use our email address for promotion and so on. Hey! people also want to earn right??? * Don't forget to confirm the email send to you after link submission. So far the free listing and not so complicated sites is below...others all wanna me to fork out my wallet. mmmmmm...forget it le...I just did this for fun! 1. Exact Seek


I visited Beijing on September 2011. It was interesting journey since I wonder to the foreign country without learning any of their mother tongue language. The reason I chose Beijing because of I wanted to full fill my long time dreams...I want to explore Forbidden City and Great Wall of China. I visited both and Forbidden City just a 10 minutes walk from my Hotel and I love the feelings of walking by the river and enjoying beautiful scene of Willow tree dancing to the wind...owhhh!!!! and also peeping on the imperial guard practicing martial art at Forbidden City.Those Imperial Guard...whoa me with their martial art skills! Their Body Build are to die for by most man! WTH! Snap out Rina! kekekekeke...'hamsap thinking' for a moment. Food is like heaven for people who really can eat and also know what is their orders! To me is like gambling by pointing my fingers to those words that I don't even know what am I pointing at! If lazy


'LOVE' IMAGE CREDIT TO GOOGLE Love gives you.... * Happiness * Joy * Flutters * Courage Love also gives you.... * Pain * Blame * Hurt * Sadness * Despair * Misery Love also gives you strength to overcome those pain,blame,hurt.sadness,despair and misery. Do you know when you in love.... life will be more subtle? When you in love.... * You feel good * You learn to be patient * You be more considerate Put away your selfishness....make more friends and be love all! IMA still unable to take away that selfishness ....haissshhhh!!!! Have a good loving weekend all!!!!


Recently, Chingu's Dad had a ' Brain Stroke' and he pass away peacefully on Tuesday morning 16th September 2014 , Malaysia day. R.I.P! He is at old age. So everybody thinks...ahhhh! he is old and this is old age sickness and time to go? Well the fact is about old age sickness and so on...when time to go...its doesn't discriminate in term of age, race, gender , wealth and so on. Times to go need to go without any turning back chance! Same goes with strokes or maybe other sickness. Often strokes occur unexpectedly in the lives of people who consider themselves as 'mint and perfectly healthy'! Many disbelief when this happen! I have one friend who died at age of 38 years old. He has a good build and fit. He exercise regularly and eat healthily. At least this is how I see his lifestyle. He died because of stroke while playing tennis. Most of our friends really feel like cannot accept this news. Among all of our circle he is consider top when come


Oh gosh!  I 've been blogging for almost 6 years now. Crazy to just think about this! Many things about me exposed to the wide world. Ah! no more privacy??? So like celebrity feels..owhhhhhh!!!! Why I start blogging?? You can read it here . What is blogging? Blogging is writing and thinking. Writing and thinking is good therapy for your well being. I don't know about others but to me writing and thinking make me feel a lot better if I have a bad day or sad about certain things in life. Since my blog mainly on personal genre so its a mixture of all about my encounter in life. I just write about my daily thoughts and sometimes being crazy and wacky about stuff. I try not to be so emo on my blog. Yeah! certain things you gotta keep it for yourself isn't??? WTH! Of course sometimes I feel tempting and wanna bitch and rant about my Boss and that fella and this fella...but I don't feel good to do such things. It end up stack up in my head and heart


Being left handed or lefty means there are a lot of little everyday inconveniences throughout my childhood until I am at my age now. I read lefties are normally is in the gene. Too bad...I am the only 'ugly duckling' in my family! The one and only lefties! I have one 'mole' on my lefthand. I can only recognise the left and right using this mole. Yeah! I am that woman who still unable to tell the left and right without my 'mole'. Gosh! that bad ar this woman? Ya lor! isk isk isk When I was cute adorable little girl....I received countless spanking to my wrist by the elders who was trying hard to force me change from being a lefty. Bad Omen! WTH! So tortures!!!!....I wish I grow up very fast at point of time and give them a hard spank too! How dare???....hehehehe...Anyway, the stubborn me never give up and determine to be a lefty forever!!!! muahahaha... the fact is...IMA tried my best but unable to change the lefties fact in me.isk isk isk... Remember


Once upon a time in a far away land, live three brothers with their elder parent. The three brothers always plan to go for a trip together back to their ancestral land which is far away in Huangshan , China. However, they are very worried to leave their parent because of the sick father. As much as the parent are getting older and does the brothers. They are ageing too and they may have no strength to even travel that far. After long discussion among them they agreed to materialise their plan to climb the top of Huangshan mountain. The brothers happily exploring Hongchun Village and Tunxi Ancient Street, eating the local dishes and mingle around with the local. Then spent 6 hours climbing up the Huangshan Mountain to witness the magnificent view with own eyes. On the second night on top of Huangshan Mountain, they received bad news ...the father is seriously ill and currently on the hospital bed due to Brain Stroke! The brothers quickly head down from t


I really love any food with fish. Fish head noodle is one...I can't really give a miss. So fishy huh???? Old Asia specialty is Fish Head and Fish Paste noodles. The Restaurant location is in One Utama same row with Sakae Sushi and McD. I want to add more XO Sauce...with Chingu...I need to 'guai guai'. WTH! Restraining myself not to eat more chillies so I don't become too HOT! Chingu said I can't eat hot food because every time I did...I transform into 'angry bird' mode! hahahaha Enjoying my Fish Head Noodles... and of course for this one I refuse to share with anybody. Its mine mine and mine!!!!! After finish my bowl of Fish Head Noodles...I am telling Chingu..I am still hungry..which Chingu keep reminding me that I am on strict diet because I want to lose 10 pounds. I keep convincing is exceptional case...because its weekend! .... plus let me just cheat for one day! Chingu trying to rationalize to me...I am


I started my blog when I was so stress up with my work and studies. At that time was my peak period. Juggling with high demand Boss and getting use of becoming a student after 10 years never study.WTH! I need a space to rant badly or I will go complete PHD (Permanent Head Damage). My initial blog name started on March 2009 and later on change it to Why I change the name? Lol! Single woman sounds like I am desperate looking for man...huhuhuhu...don't want to be sounded that way. I change it to Princess Cindyrina because to me I am a Princess in my own way! Oh well I am a Princess to my parent! They are my King and Queen. I basically, treat my blog as my online diary and then when I started to travel abroad...I end up writes more about it too. Many think being a blogger can get passive income and then enjoy by the beach or sitting at Starbuck or Coffee Bean enjoying coffee and surfing on the net or whats


September 3, 2014 ,KST 1:20, Ladies' Code the all girls group's van ran into a protective wall in the vicinity  of Singal Junction on the Yeongdong Expressway toward Incheon direction. The group was after finishing up their schedule in Daegu and on the way back to their Dorm when the car back wheel came off during the rainy day and the car ended up spinning several times before hitting the guard rail One member died on the same day and the other members were rushed to hospital. Fatal accident and this is how bad the vehicle after the accident Ladies' Code Members : 1. Lee So Jung (Sojung) Main Vocalist DOB 3rd Sept 1993 2. Choi Bit Na (Ashley) Second Vocalist and Leader of the Group DOB 9 Nov 1991 3. Go Eun Bi (EunB) Sub Vocalist DOB 23 Nov 1992 4. Kwon Ri Se (RiSe) Sub Vocalist DOB 16 Aug 1991 5. Kim Joo Mi (Zuny) Sub Vocalist DOB 8 Dec 1994 First Debut in 2013 with Album Hate You and Pretty Pretty 2014 released So Wonderful, Kiss Kiss   Eu


I received this 30ml CLIV Revitalizing C I2 PL Corrector Ampoule when attended MUSE by WATSON Beauty Regime workshop. Decided to try it and been using it for a week after my Melvita brightening serum finished. My verdict for CLIV Ampoule....mmmm..not bad! Its non greasy and fast absorb to my skin. It doesn't have a fragrance smells or whatsoever. CLIV Revitalizing C I2PL Corrector Ampoule , Made in South Korea - This brightening ampoule helps to recover the vitality of skin. You know our skin could be effected by being under the skin too long or exposed to air conditioning or our body toxic released! What is the different between ampoule  and serum? Serum - generally are thicker than essence, contains higher concentration of ingredients with a specific purpose for your skin. Ampoule - normally contains the lightest texture and it penetrate into the skin faster.Ampoule provided the fastest results within a short period of time. Let me continue on what C

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