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My dearest Elana Khong extended beauty workshop invitation to me again.
Thanks Elana! You can visit Elana at her blog

This time we have a great afternoon delight experiencing 3 beauty brands; namely EVELOM , PERRICONE MD and TALIKA at SVAGO,Suria KLCC.


- created 28 years ago by Eve Lom herself, a world's leading facial therapist. She believes that a foundation to a beautiful skin starts with deep and thorough cleansing. This is the key to a radiant complexion.


- Talika is unexpected discovery in 1948 and its mission to develop and formulate beauty products to meet the expectation of every woman. Each Talika products lies a story , based on discovery, science and intensive research and with clinically proven results.

Talking about Talika....I just wrote about it last week on their Eye Detox Gel. You can visit my last month post on how to diminish black eye and puffiness here,


- created 16 years ago , 'The Science of Aging Beautifully' with nutrient anti oxidant based formulation develop by Dr Nicholas Perricone.
The leader in anti aging skincare offering non invasive alternatives to maintain beautiful skin through our Forties, Fifties and beyond.

This is Rebecca , the beauty trainer for this event. She guided us through the simple steps of creating radiant look with these 3 Brand products.

All ladies are so anxious to try out the products!

Now...everybody take off that BB Cream, CC Cream and foundation from each face...Oh no!!!!! Horror scene!!!!!! OMO!!!!!! 
Thank God!!! IMA don't use thick make up!

Step 1 : CLEANSING with EVELOM Cleanser

 See the texture of the product on my palm?

Function :-
* Make up cleanser, Cleanses , Tones , Decongest
Then exfoliates with EVELOM MUSLIN CLOTH.

Product ingredients :

* Clove oil's antiseptic properties which encourage clear skin 
* Eucalyptus oil which helps to decongest
* Hop oil tones
* Egyptian Chamomile to calm and sooth skin
* Cocoa butter to soften and condition the skin

Make sure you cleanse with warm water for better effect!!!!! Whoa!!!! refreshing and face feel lighter and clean.  I really love the Eucalyptus refreshing!!!!


 Why call it spring clean??? We tried out mask onto our face.


- This one suitable for oily skin and this is mud based mask.  
It helps :
* Deeply cleanse
* Decongest pores
* Absorbs excess oil
* Helps improves tired skin
* Brighten dull skin
* Minimize puffiness
* Reduce uneven skin tone
* Leaves skin glowing

I did a review on GlamGlow Youth Mud Mask and this one is the same tingling effect. You can check out my review on the other mask here.


- This one is suitable for dry skin because its gel based products and very soothing effect onto your skin.

It helps :
* Restores moisture levels
* Increase moisture
* Promotes long lasting hydration and prevent future skin dehydration
* Protect the skin from environmental attack!

I tried both. I applied EVELOM RESCUE MASK on my 'T' Zone area and the rest I applied the MOISTURE MASK.

Tips : If you have big event the next day...apply this mask to stimulate circulation , reduce puffiness and leave your skin look radiant.


* refresh & relax eyes area
* Helps to diminish dark circles and eyes puffiness

* This product helps to regenerate new tissues
* Helps to minimise wrinkles depth and length

Use this eyes product with helps of CREAM BOOSTER DEVICE.
IMA got the chance to use this device which vibrates and helps delivers active ingredients to the target zone. It also helps to stimulate production of collagen and activates cell activities.


- helps to addresses 10 visible signs of aging and helps to deliver essential daily nutrition for healthy complexion.


- this product helps to firm up, tones and tighten the skin
- minimise deep lines and wrinkles and improve elasticity and brighten up skin appearance.

We were told to apply cold plasma on one side of face with special technique lymphatic massage then use High Potency Amine Face Life with another lifting massage technique.

Then IMA have experience to use Light Duo+ device to treat anti aging benefit. This device helps to get the nutrient further underneath skin. IMA so Happy weiiiii!!!! This device to expensive to own one. Haissshhhh!!!!

Can see the different!!!! one side totally up lift and look younger weiiiii... then of course cannot be go back home with one side up lift face right???? So ...complete the other side too le...The lady next to me much older than me, I guess and seriously...hers have really outstanding effect when she applied at one side of her face. Awesome!!!! Price also damn awesome weiiiiii!!!!

FINAL STEP to have Radiant and Youthful look


Since its day time so IMA try that No Foundation, Foundation le. WTH!
Foundation or no foundation?
Well the color like foundation but the effect is not like CC or BB Cream in term of color. It doesn't cover up all those spots yo! But it full of protection for your beautiful face ladies!!!!! Despite it Fishy Smells....yeahhhhh the lady opposite me jokingly said...Ah! nobody wanna kiss me after this..isk isk isk. 

This product delivers powerful anti ageing benefit with DMAE and alpha. It also contains Lipoic Acid and helps to correct under tones and provides natural dewy finish and full of vitamin C. Most important it protects with non chemical sunscreen SPF30!

Unlike this Foundation , No Foundation which smells like fish ..IMA tried the nightime moisturiser...and it sweet Rosy smells. Love it!!!!

All ladies admiring each new youthful and radiant look. Tap tap on bouncy skin...scan to the left to the right and on top and bottom...ahhhh!!! 

Lady : 'Mirror mirror in front, Who is the most youthful and radiant among all this ladies'
Mirror in front : ' Haishhhh!!! since you are the one who is asking...mmmmm... of course you leeeeeee!!!' mirror huh!

photo credit to Grace the gorgeous lady with long side braided!
....and now selfie time and all without BB or CC cream but just Foundation , No Foundation...ah! don't worry we don't smells like fish. As you see all of us so sweet like!

Behind from left is Sherry, Elana, Mira, yours truly in GREEN and Grace.
All these bloggers friend and all of us from Butterfly Community!

This is some of delicious food sponsored by Svago, Suria KLCC . Oh! there are more food but IMA lazy to wait since IMA is dying to go back soonest possible. Parking so bloody expensive at KLCC wei!

Where is Svago?
Exit from Dome. Then walk to your right and Svago just next to Starbuck. Nice place to fine dine or wine dine.

I love this because to put in Egyptian Cotton Cloth for face cleanse in this bag. Love it it...totally love it!

All ladies...happily bring back these goodies from sponsor. 

Have a good weekend all!!!!

IMA driving back to home town tomorrow morning and next week will be my busy week ahead too!!!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidi Adha to all Muslim Friends!!!!!!


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