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Showing posts from June, 2015

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I am not ashamed to admit my kpop craze even at this old age. Gosh! I have been living listening to them and just can't get over it. I started listening Big Bang for their hitz song 'Haru Haru' which mean 'Day by Day'.Another catchy hitz song from them is 'Blue' and 'Lie' I am their fan until now. Can't compare Big Bang with another Kpop group 2PM or 2AM since they are totally in different genre. Plus point for Big Bang is they have Multi Talented Song writer with the most copyright song ,G Dragon in their group. They have talented rapper TOP, great vocalist Taeyang, funny variety show star Daesung and sleazy joker Seungri. After 3 year absence they make a comeback with new album MADE SERIES.  Their new MV 'Loser and 'Bae gain so much interest from fan all over the world with more than 37 million and 27 million view respectively. DAEBAK!!!! Both song showed talent by blended bad boy hip hop with emotional boy band m


I have been blogging for quite sometimes now and along the way I received some weird requests. When I say weird....really trust me its weird and totally mind blowing. #SELLING VIRGINITY POST Most recent was this request from this 24 years old young lady who want me to publish her post to sell her virginity. WTH! The message to me was written in French. "salut Cindy je suis Harmony Mangbel une congolaise j'ai 23ans je cherche comment vendre ma virginite tu peux m'aider comment puis-je le publier? je serai a Bruxelles le 24juillet tu voudras bien qu'on fasse connaissance?" Translated version :  " Cindy hi I am Congolese Harmony Mangbel 23 years I am looking to sell my virginity how can you help me ho can I publish? I will be in Brussels on 24 July. Do you have knowledge?" Get a life girl! You can sell your so called vagina else where!  My blog is not a whore site. Shall I ask her how much is the price? Anyway....SPAM you go


image credit to google search Today we are celebrating the  'Let it Go' Day!!! IMA was driving to work since 5:50am and the journey of one hour drive...IMA was overdosed with 'Let it Go' song by IMA listen to every version in the world of same song from different  language...Hindi, French, Germany, Italian....for the whole one hour. Gosh! Like a brain wash kind of 'mantra'. One car give no signal suddenly jump the line. On normal day, IMa will be cursing left right centre. But today...IMA just 'Let it Go'! 'Let it Go'! When IMA trying to change lane...and the motorbikers don't let IMA go.... On normal day,IMA will retreat and continue the journey. But today...IMA was praying hard while trying all out while singing...'Let me Go'! 'Let me Go'! Eheh.... This morning IMA's head got knock out with car door while struggling to get out from the car.The heavy ass and clumsy woman normally


Clinelle Caviar Gold Review My dark circle and eye bag is there since then and now...  When many go for injection options to reduce it...IMA always in searching for eye gel or eye cream or eye serum to at least make IMA's eyes look better. Many product claim this and that.... but when IMA tried it the dark circle , crow feet and eye bag seems to be there and there and there .... like so forever  and eternity without any sign of improvement. Recently, IMA found Clinelle Caviar Gold Firming Eye Serum. IMA tried this serum because its says can get FIRMER and LIFTED EYES in JUST 5 DAYS!!!! Say what??? Are you kidding me? You wanna proof its another over rated advertisement and over claimed products. IMA did tried this for 5 days....and the result??? The left photo was before using the Clinelle Caviar Gold Firming Eye Serum and the Right photo is after 5 days...TADAHHHHH!!!!! If you see the Right photo it really reduce the eye bag and dark circle. T


When I was invited to do a selfigram review for Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation, I was SUPER EXCITED! IMA not require to do a blogpost but feel ashamed for not sharing it in details to others. Why? IMA fall in love with this foundation. I walked for 45 minutes ('lazy to drive punya pasal") all the way from my office to KLCC to get the item picked suit to my skin color tone and have mini makeover by Estee Lauder Beauty Consultant. I bought  Estee Lauder lipstick before and love them so much. IMA heard a lot about Estee Lauder Double Wear but never personally try! Since IMA was introduce to BB Cream and then CC Cream , later DD Cream amd most recently EE Cream...IMA  totally ditched Foundation. But one thing about all those BB,CC,DD and EE Cream does not give a smooth and good coverage to IMA uneven skin tone. The Hype about this Estee Lauder Wear is it stay in place, transfer free which means no smudge or stain to your clothes (don't worry wardrobe s


Last Saturday, I was invited to join Cleo and ZA Beauty Workshop at Connexion Nexus Bangsar South. It was a good event indeed!  The itinerary was as follows : 1:30pm - Registration 2:00pm - Introduction speech 2:05pm - Skincare Session 3:00pm - Breaktime 3:05pm - Makeup session 4:15pm - Refreshment and End the workshop I enjoyed the tips by Beauty Guru from Japan. Megumi Mitsui San is Za's Global Trainer. She share tips on day to day skincare routine and also some in trend make up techniques using ZA LAB products. For your information, she was recognised with Excellent Beauty Consultants Award when she participated in the Global Beauty Consultant Contest in year 2004 and to date , she has total 16 years experience in beauty industry. Currently , she is a Global Trainer based in Shiseido Headquaters in Tokyo , Japan.  She so beautiful and bubbly up closed! All of us have fun applying the beauty techniques from Megumi San using ZA products. Last use


Who hate Thai Food? Put you hands up! put your hands up???? Gosh! you miss a good thing girl!! Relatively, Thai cuisine fits many Malaysian taste. Many claimed they have tried Thai cuisine. Little that many know the Thai food they eaten is not authentic taste of Thai's. How to describe Thai food taste? Sour, Spicy and full of herbs.... I was invited to try out authentic Thai's food at Cafe 9 at Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Seriously, when I was told the cafe's name is Cafe 9...the first come into my mind is Latte, Pastries , Cakes and anything that suit a Cafe food and drink. Then when Stella from Foodink told this is Thai food...I was like...mmmmm...beyond my expectation! Cafe 9 and the '9' is a symbol of 'Eternity' and 'Forever' in Chinese. The owner use the number for customer easily remember when they want to eat good authentic Thai Cuisine. Tom Yam Soup  You can choose either the RED or CLEAR sou


This happened last week when I was meeting with insurance agent and another colleague of mine. Both insurance agent and my colleague are guys. Insurance Agent : If you want me to quote you please let me know you full name, DOB, height and weight... Me : Ok. I can write my full name and DOB here....but my height and weight, I will email you personally later.  Insurance Agent : Give it here la... Colleague : Ya lor...what so secret? only three of us here what!!! Me : Hello!!! I am going to see you every day...duh! a bit embarrassing la if you know my full specs... hihihihih Insurance Agent and colleague, look at each other and laugh at me. WTH! A few hours later after the insurance agent went off from our office.... Colleague : what is the secret now??? Me : Why ? Why? Colleague : You email the guy your height and weight then cc to me???  Me : Ommmmaaaa!!! Damn!!! What have I done!!!! image: credit to google search on '

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