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Langkawi Island Trip - Day 2 Exploring Mangrove at Kilim Geoforest Park

We booked Mangrove half day tour for RM100 and this is the best decision to explore Langkawi. The price inclusive of lunch simple fried rice with chicken and drink.

We woke up in the morning and get ready for our pick up van . We had a good breakfast at our motel cafe. Delicious french toast with maple syrup and Roti Jala with Chicken Curry. Thumbs up for Cactus inn cafe.

The journey to the starting point of our Mangrove tour took around 1 hours by van. We then were grouped together with some tourist from Latvia, Netherland, Johor Bahru, China, Bangladesh and Singapore. There were 20 of us in one boat.

First stop were at fish farm. We were briefed on types of fish and also have chance to pet the fish. There are leopard shark, stingray, barracuda,puffer fish and many more.

 Most of the staff here really professional and knowledgeable. Some even bilingual.This is what I am talking about ...Malaysian or Malaysian! I wish these people go further in tourism industry.

Then off to meet and greet with the monkeys. Our tour guide seems to recognize and know the monkeys here very well. Wohoooo! We learn a lot about monkeys that day. Seriously something that I never expect I could learn from this trip.

There are many eagles here in Langkawi and they are the main icon of this beautiful Island. Anyway, Lang means Helang which is eagles and Kawi mean brown. Many brown eagles here in Langkawi flying around like they are the guardian of this Island. We learn about eagles behavior here. Interesting!

 As the boat ran through the mangrove. We were taught on how to survive in the mangrove and what to eat and how to get fresh water. The tour guide also do not hesitate to answer all our questions.I wish I could join the jungle trekking tour at night but not enough time.

There was few snakes spotted having a lazy day time nap while the boat cruise through the mangrove. That is why tour guide told us not to stick out our hand or head randomly from our boat. It could be a disaster if our hand happens to disturb the snakes. huhuhuhuh...scary to imagine that! Not easy for me to snap those photos without waking up the snakes too.

Then the boat went through interesting crocodile tunnel. But we were told there are no crocodile here because its salty water? Oh! somehow or rather according to our tour guide there was an legend about the crocodile here but they have not seen any.phewwww!!!!

Next was Bat cave stop. Watch out! there are many nasty monkeys here. There were many accident the monkey attacked the visitors here. It was advisable to not bring down any junk food, drink or anything from the boat. Don't even dare wearing any perfumes. This will attracts insects or any other sort of animals.

Here we learn about bats and also crabs.

Our mangrove tour ends with some precious knowledge and experience. If you are visiting to Langkawi, do book yourself to this mangrove tour. Its a half day tour and even your little one could learn from this trip. I saw babies joined this tour too.  

We reached back to our room around 3pm. Rest our mind and body for around 2 hours and off we drove out to Chenang area.

We had the most not delicious dinner at Chenang. Avoid Warung Janggus at Chenang. The seafood may look fresh to you but the cook fail to deliver. Waste of money. I rather trade this with Fillet o Fish at McDonalds. 

I comforted my bad dinner experience with this homemade fried ice cream. Serious this is a must try. Love the it so much!

Before back to our room I bought this pods mars and snickers from the near by chocolate haven. WTH! See told you!!!! I will end up shopping for chocolate every night. This is just like visiting to the land of goodies in the faraway trees fairy tales! 

I have more updates to my Langkawi Trip in my next post. Do subscribe to my blog for updates!


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