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2 Days / 1 Night in Malacca - Relaxing Trips

Sometimes end July this year, I brought my parent for a short trip to Malacca. Both parent really has a problem with walking far and so on. So the trip itinerary is a bit limited. I have a big headache to plan this for them. My objective for this trips is to make them happy and satisfy with the trip. You never me everything is the last since we never know what will happens the next day. It is very important to treat the 'now' time as precious.

We started off our journey from Kuala Lumpur and reach Malacca in two hours. Thank God! my last sister willing to come with me. So it's not so difficult to handle both old parents. What is so difficult to handle old parent. are not talking about the ordinary old parent. They are both a child alike now. If the really small child, you can scold and advice. You are talking about 'old baby' who are both stubborn who you can't even spank. Well enough about that.

Jonker Walk

My first itinerary is to let my parent taste the famous Chicken Rice Ball. But the mission incomplete. Why? Read further... We reached Jonker Walk around two something and the night market hasn't started yet. Great! I can still park nearby and bring them to Mamee House since that the only place I know with 'halal' Chicken Rice Ball. My parent prefers a proper restaurant. So I can't simply bring them to eat no matter how delicious the place is. My parent doesn't even wanna taste that Chicken Rice Ball dishes. Huh! Both no appetite to eat. Both 'old baby' not in good mood. Haihh!!!!  To cut the story short, I parked my car for RM10 and less than 2 hours redeem my car for our hotel. 

Pines Hotel

I booked 2 rooms at the Pines Hotel for around RM300++/ per night room. Not really near Jonker walk but young people can definitely walk there and even explore around. I love that Hotel because it not so noisy or even smack in a busy location. 

If you have more budget can even book a room which can get pool right in front of your balcony. I love everything about this hotel. Really spacious!

We rest for a while before heading out for some exploration. Both my sister and I decided to just take a grab car for our transportation around this town. Smart move and super convenient. You see if we drive out with our car, parking will be always a problem plus the stress of driving in that horrible traffic. 

Red Building

Well for my parent all they know the red building with many people. We brought them there for some photo session around that historic place. Nothing much we can do but to compete against those Chinese and Korean tour group. Both look super excited! OK..good sign! Let us go on with that momentum make them more excited.

Trishaw Ride

Mum leg condition is really bad. We decided to book a trishaw. We rented 2 trishaws for RM50 and I specifically requested for a young man. You imagine old man pedal that trishaw? Gosh! I sure feel pity! Trishaw in Malacca is pretty much had good theme decoration. My dad and I took a baby shark Trishaw and Mum and my sister end up with Hello Kitty one. I can see both parent face become brighter! The trishaw stops us at A Famosa and some other attraction for some photo session and quick look. The trip is just less than 20 minutes.

You can take a horse carriage too. There are so many options here. Just prepare the money!

Strolling Along Malacca River

After the Trishaw ride, I kind of encourage my parent to walk slowly along the Malacca river for some photos and also sort of light exercise for both. Most suffer was my mum. But her spirit is quite high and positive despite all the pain. I can feel her though! Sorry can do this!

Malacca Cruise

I then bought tickets for the Malacca River cruise.  It was late evening this is our second last itinerary for the day before off for dinner. The Malacca River Cruise sort off a good overview for us. I love the view throughout the cruise course. We see some bridges with the historical name. Beautiful paint mural on the old building along the river and also old Malay village which actually located right across our hotel. The evening view was super awesome. 

Taming Sari Tower

At this point, Mum is like at her max capacity. I told her if she wants me to stop and go back hotel..we still can do that. But Mum kind of....I think happy despite all the pain on her. She told me she can move on. We booked a grab car to Taming Sari Tower. Well ..yes we can walk from where we are. Just around 5 minutes walk. But Mum can do this. Our last itinerary end pretty awesome with all the view we get from the top view of that revolving tower. The staff there was super awesome to us too and treat our parent good. 

At this point, the traffic around this area was super duper bad. We got our Grab Car pretty late and Mum was almost collapsed because she unable to walk any more. Don't ask me about a walking stick or even wheelchair. She will never want to use any of those. That is why I unable to handle my parent on my own. My mum need to depends on people to walk around.

I decided to just have our dinner at hotel. Comfortable and ease for my parent.

Pines Hotel - Tiffin Set

I ordered 2 tiffins set for four of us. We love the dishes which a mixed of 'Peranakan' and 'Malay' . Our only complaint was..the rice served was super hard. That Chef needs to learn how to cook rice. Other than that we have an awesome night even though they made us wait for 30 minutes to serve food to the table. 

2nd Day in Malacca Itinerary

We have a good buffet breakfast spread at Pines Hotel. My advice wake up early like us and go straight to the restaurant or you will end up joining the queue. 

We checked out around 11am and made a few stops before our lunch.

* Pulau Melaka - Big Mosque by the sea
* Submarine Museum (raining couldn't get down)
* Pantai Klebang (Dad wanna take photos by the beach)

Royal Mango Float

I drove to this place for quick meal before head back to KL. My thought of the food here?
Well..nothing to shout out. Just ok! Can eat if you are hungry! This place kind of centralised if you wanna try out that Keria Gula Melaka, Mango Float, Laksa Sarang Burung and many more. 

End of Story...Trying my best to be a good daughter but I am not good at


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