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Fit Mee Healthy Korean Fried Noodles

This is the final 2 packs of Konjac noodle bought from my recent Jakarta Shopping haul. I never imagine Konjac noodles can taste this delicious. After tasted the green crumple stick rubber band the other day, I was being sceptical for this one. It's not from the same brand as last time. Plus this one is much cheaper. Ya Ya...that kind of mental attitude cheap means not delicious and anything expensive is super delicious. Diva mentality overloaded. Bad attitude go away! Well... that's me always using reverse psychology with hope for the opposite result. huhuhuh

Since this is cheaper than the other one, so I bought 2 flavours from this brand. One is Korean Fried Noodles flavour and the other one is my favourite Mee Soto. But I manage to cook only Korean Noodles before I temporarily closed my kitchen. Yeah! My kitchen will be closed for at least for 2 weeks starting the date of this post. Reason? Not that I am lazy. 

IMA! accidentally burnt middle fingers with a hot pan while preparing the Konyaku Korean Fried Noodles. It is a bad burnt! isk isk isk...Let it fully heal first before I start preparing my own meal again. From now on it will be salad and fruits all the way. huwaaaaaa....feeling the 'goatie' vibes already!

 Now...let see...

How to prepare Fit Mee Fried Korean Noodles?

As usual open the packet, I was greeted with crumple rubber band strand-like but this time is white not the green one like Ashitaki noodles. 

It has 4 small packets of condiments - Seasoning powder, Vegetables, Chilies and sesame oil with soy sauce.

1st Step - Boiled the noodles with the vegetable for 3 minutes. That's what the instruction us to do. Since I have experience with Konjac noodles already...chewahhhhh!!! hehehehe I boiled this a bit longer so I don't need to chew harder. hahaha...I boiled this for 8 minutes just like Ashitaki.
I forgot to boil this together with vegetable though. 

2nd Step - Since this suppose to be a fried noodles style the instruction the preparation basically the same with how we prepare the old-time favourite Indomie. But as usual, I don't follow the instruction really well. I have my own mindset and expectation for everything. I sauteed the minced garlic until fragrance then adds in oyster mushroom, boiled noodles and finally the spices. Stir-fried again for 2 - 3 minutes. Finally served with blanched Choy sam and my heavily spiced fried tempeh.

Tadaaaahhhhahahaha!!!! my Fried Korean noodles are served!

How does Fit Mee - Fried Korean Noodles taste?

Amazingly taste like Japchae. One of my favourite Korean Potato starch noodles dishes. I never thought this will be well seasoned. The savoury taste of sesame oil and the hints of chillies really works great in these dishes. I was really great to stir-fry this. Gosh!!! I should have to buy more of this flavour! Again that regret feeling.

Which part the process to prepare to cause the unfortunate accident to my right middle fingers?

It was during the process to throw in the leftover oil from the tempe frying before use the same pan to stir fry the noodles. isk isk isk isk

Lucky the meal turn out with full of happiness and low in calories too! hahaha


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