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What and WhereTo Eat In Tianjin?

As a Muslim traveller, I don't have a problem to find food here in Tianjin. There is so much Halal food here. 

If you read my previous entry on Tianjin, I did mention stay in Holiday Inn Express Heping, Tianjin. Just like many other Holiday Inn Express chain, you can't expect good buffet from them. To me the variant kind of dull. It's not Halal. I use my creativity to toast the bread and hard-boiled egg to make my own sandwiches every morning. hahaha

I am proven a living survivor in anywhere I travel. Always crack my head if cant find suitable food to eat. Travel with instant food in my bag from Malaysia is so unusual for me. Unless, if I know the food is super damn expensive and the place I am visiting is to remote for me to find something to eat.

Tianjin Chestnuts

I don't know that Tianjin Chestnuts is super famous. It's common to see people lining up day and night just for a bag of Chestnuts. I discover this while strolling along the Tianjin University Street. This place kind of opposite the place I stayed. So I was there a few times and was very curious about the long queue. One morning, I decided to join the queue and bought a bag of Chestnuts for myself. OMG! can't get enough of this. Different from the chestnuts I ever ate before. Tianjin Chestnuts taste sweet and savoury at the same time. You will get addicted.

Another famous snack is sunflower seeds. I don't try that since no patient to peel that with my teeth. Kuaci je pun....Too small and tiring for me! hahaha

Chinese Pancakes or Crepe (Jianbing Guozi)

This is another common snack in Tianjin. The pancakes batter made of mung bean, egg and some special sauce. Chilli and Soy sauce is very famous here too. They will ask you if you want spicy or non-spicy. You can choose between Crispy Crackers and You Tiao. I have tried with both fillings and my vote goes to Crispy Crackers filling. Check out the process of Chinese pancakes being prepared in the video below.  By the way, I bought this from Halal Snack Shop

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Ear-Hole Fried Cake (Erduoyan Zha Gao)

You won't miss this at all. They sell this almost everywhere. Basically a rice cakes with some filling like red bean, lotus paste or custard. I just can't get enough of this too. It so small and you can't eat just one of this. The rice cake is so soft and chewy. Taste better than Tteok from Korea. The name of this cake is kind of interesting with the direct translation means Ear Hole. I don't see any hole in this cake at all! hahaha...Too lazy to google the history of this cake name.

Stuffed Meat Buns (Goubuli Baozi)

The name is so weird which literally translate as 'Dog Doesn't Care' or 'Ignorance Dog' mmmmmm...wanna try also scared leh, who knows the stuff in dog meat inside. hahaha.
Did I try this? Yeah!!! found this at one of the halal stalls. To me, this is just a steamed bun. Frankly speaking from my point of taste bud, I  think the 'Pau Ahmad' or 'Tanjung Malim Pau' is more delicious than this. hahaha

Talking about Dog...I remember buying a few bags of roasted peanuts which called " Dog Poo". hahaha...seriously, most of my colleague said it's super delicious. It's delicious to me too. Regret not to buy more though! I remember buying it at one of the groceries stores and the store owner's son told me the name which really put me off on the spot. Almost put back to the shelf and he keeps convince me to give it a try. Which I did? The next day bought a few more. Gosh! so addictive! The name really put me off. But the taste? I want it again and again. It's so tasty!

Disclaimer: No dog injured or killed to make this dishes. huhuhu

Rolling Donkey

I recognised this snack since I ate this during my Beijing trip. Oh! if just now I talked about Dog, now we have donkey too. They just love to use the animal name. Don't worry! No donkey died to make this snack. It just a layer of sticky rice dough with red bean paste and then roll in the soybean powder. I love this too if I get the fresh one!

ShouliGao (Flour Dessert)

I bought this because it looks so colourful and pretty! hahaha..Sucker! right?
Taste? Not my style at all. Totally not as delicious as it looks. muahahaha..I basically bought, took some photo and then sat at one corner struggling to finish the whole plates with 6 pieces ShouliGao.I don't want to waste food! My mission is to accomplish ZERO FOOD WASTE. God will punish me for wasting the food! Serious, our 'Putu Piring' or 'Putu Bambu' taste more delicious than this. That flour base tastes nothing like our putu piring or Bambu at all. I don't know how to describe but it just not my style. The colourful topping just a various super sweet fruit jams which you can get your whole leg chopped off! huhuhuh


I think you can find this at Jonker Walk too right? I love hawthorn. This sugar-coated hawthorn, I would be happy if I have someone to finish the rest of the fruits. I can't finish in this alone though.

Lamb Dumpling

I went into one of the Xinjiang Restaurant to eat this. It looks a lot. But seriously, I can just sit there and finish the whole plate even after slurping a bowl of Beef Lamian. This is so addictive, especially with some chillies oil. I did this a lot during my Xining trip. Call me Dumpling addicts! hahaha..But I only eat Lamb dumpling. Not so big fan of chicken or beef.

Beef Lamian

Don't need an introduction. I ate many of this during my trip to Lanzhou and Xining until I got fed up with anything soupy. hahaha..I ate this because the restaurant is nearby the Hotel I stayed.

Fried Noodles

I tried this on one of the cold night which made me lazy to walk further from my hotel. The Muslim restaurant located right opposite the hotel I stayed in. Not bad! But I was so struggling to finish this alone. I ate until feel so damn bored eating. It's not that I don't feel thankful for my food, just don't understand why the Chinese love too big portion in every meal served? Why? Can't you serve moderate portion? Woman or Man there....they can finish this without any problem. I was damn struggling and feeling like crying to finish this. Can't waste food ma!

Sour Fish Soup

I discover this by accident, while looking for a toilet at one of the shopping malls near Bingjiang Shopping Street, then decided to head down to basement food court. I found a Halal Sour Fish Soup. I fall in love not only with the young guy who prepares this but this soup is super delicious and refreshing taste. I ordered the set with rice and who knows there are noodles at the bottom of this soup. Die! I need to finish a bowl of rice together with this noodle. They really serve a generous portion here. The fish meat is so fresh and the black fungus kind of chewy too. The pepper taste and sourness of plum really delicious to eat during cold days. 

I went back to the same stall during my last day before heading to the airport in the evening, to taste the Mala (Sichuan) Pepper soup but the person who took order misunderstood me and serve me with tomato soup version. Aiyakkk!!! I really hate tomato soup in the first place. Forcing myself to finish the tomato version fish soup. isk isk isk Not that bad for my hungry tummy. I purposely skip the buffet breakfast at my hotel and waited for the mall to open just for this. huhuhuh

Address? muahaha. IMA forgot to note down. All using my memory and only found the place after a few rounds lost my way on the second visit. hahaha

Inner Xinjiang Muslim Food

OMG! I seriously missed all this food from my Xi'an trip. When I saw this restaurant...I was like...take my money. I don't care how much is the bill. I will eat my most craving Dapanji (Big Plate Chicken). I ordered half chicken Dapanji, 2 sticks of grilled lamb and some warm nan bread. I really finish all this until the next table staring at my lonely table. Yeah! they ordered a lot and waste lots of food. Me? I just wobble all clear! muahahaha...ZERO Waste mission ma! Red Dates tea is free flow is delicious too. huhuhuh

Sorry! if you think I went to Tianjin but ate Xinjiang food. I just craving for this food people! Craving for Dapanji for super long time. Craving satisfied and this Dapanji is super delicious than what I ate in Xi'an. Gosh! I really need to save up and brave myself to Xinjiang soon. Let muster my courage to visit that place in few years time.


This fried twisted dough is a famous snack in Tianjin. People buy this by boxes people. It must be super nice, right? I don't try this one at all since I need to buy a big bag for this. I am just afraid unable to finish this by myself. I just imagine the taste is like our very own Mahua here too. kekeke...can't taste this? Just use my wild imagination! hahaha

There is so much other food you can try in Tianjin. If you are a non-muslim, abundance of food waiting for you. Even if you are a Muslim like me, you won't end up in the Hotel room eating pack instant food. Just prepare lots of money and enjoy!!!!

There are a few famous Food Street in Tianjin you can explore :

Nanshi Food Street 

Address: located West of Heping Rd. 

I visited this place with hope but the result was a total let down. It so touristy and I just don't feel comfortable to even explore further. The price is expensive too. You won't miss this place because the building is like a palace-like classic building with rows of stalls selling snacks and food.

Heping District Food Street

Address: Liaoning Rd, Heping District

I don't visit this place but just pass by. You can give a try though! I would go if the weather is not that cold at night.

Shiyue Food Street

Address: near Zhonghan Park , Hebei Distirct

Actually, the place itself is a nice environment but just happen during my visit the place is too quiet since it's after the Golden Holiday.

Five Great Avenue Food Street (near to WuDaDao)

It is more restaurant a cafe place since this place is quite a high-end area. But worth for people who love the posh environment.


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