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Showing posts with the label #AmazingThailand

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Early this year, I was at Chiangmai, Thailand for 5N/6D trip. I will share summarize itinerary in my later post..maybe next week! After came down from Pai and Mae Hong Son, I spent 3 days exploring Chiangmai City. Since I stayed in Boutique Hotel which smacked in the middle of busy old I just took my time walking and exploring around that area. I even have favourite breakfast place. I found this awesome place while wondering around for breakfast. Yeahhh!!! I don't buy breakfast at hotel this time. I just wanna live like local.  But...while most local eat noodles for breakfast, I end up eat bread and western style breakfast here. I just can't resist the fresh from oven bread smells at this place. When I read this signage...I was like..Whoaaaa!!! Blue Diamond The Breakfast Club. Do I need some sort of membership to dine in here? I was so wanna sit down and dine when I randomly walk in this corner lot terrace house which converted into a cafe.

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