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Showing posts with the label #LEFTHANDED

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Being left handed or lefty means there are a lot of little everyday inconveniences throughout my childhood until I am at my age now. I read lefties are normally is in the gene. Too bad...I am the only 'ugly duckling' in my family! The one and only lefties! I have one 'mole' on my lefthand. I can only recognise the left and right using this mole. Yeah! I am that woman who still unable to tell the left and right without my 'mole'. Gosh! that bad ar this woman? Ya lor! isk isk isk When I was cute adorable little girl....I received countless spanking to my wrist by the elders who was trying hard to force me change from being a lefty. Bad Omen! WTH! So tortures!!!!....I wish I grow up very fast at point of time and give them a hard spank too! How dare???....hehehehe...Anyway, the stubborn me never give up and determine to be a lefty forever!!!! muahahaha... the fact is...IMA tried my best but unable to change the lefties fact in me.isk isk isk... Remember ...

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