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Woot! woot! received my bag of love in early July. I took quite sometimes to write since I need to try out the product. Not like the effect from the product is like magic so it took sometimes. They have everything travel size and samples of beauty product and vouchers in this beautiful eco friendly bag. That is why it call bag of love! WTH! Let me introduce one by one of this items. Derma Master Gold Eye Mask, Full-Sized All you need to do to apply this on your eye area.Don't forget to clean your eye are first. I applied it after using my eye make up remover then wash face with my normal daily cleanser and apply some toner. Apply this eye mask and relax for 15 minutes while listening to my favourite band CN Blue. After effect??? For inheritance 'panda eyes' like mine??? mmmmm..... no beauty product works like magic! I could feel my eyes area feel more moisture and fresh! 'Panda eyes' ...of course it still there...its inheritance ...

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