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I was invited to try out  food at place called Wanderlust @ Solaris. This place is a total revamp from the same owner who formed Solaris  Mont Kiara's Departure Lounge. Just like its simple and cheeky interior, the food here is worth to give it a try. The effort crafted into the food serve to you shows the skilfully thought of creation by the team. See all these crafty paper planes and even the luggage ??? I love it...when I was told that Wanderlust concept is for people who have passion in traveling and enjoy great coffee.They have award winning BARISTA in the house!!! O yeah! Just by looking at the minimalist and casual interior, one might be thinking they don't give attention much of food served. Surprise!!!! Wanderlust team are bunch of creative and playful people when it come to food served. Playing around with the restaurant theme which is travel, the menu was cleverly created without taking out the taste for granted.   Chicken Chicharron w


L - Lifestyle O - Of H - Healthy A -And S - Sustainability I was invited for Parent's Day food review at Be Lohas Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine Restaurant by BMS Organics last two weekends. Be Lohas is nothing new to me. I am their fan even way before they invited me for review. I am a frequent to their outlet at One Utama.My favourite always the vegetarian curry served with brown rice and soy milk curry laksa. The only different this outlet, the one I was invited to review is at Sunway Mentari Plaza which more like a Vegetarian Chinese Restaurant and totally family style restaurant.So the menu is slightly comprehensive and elaborate suit to family meal then the one at One Utama. Mother's and Father's day is coming up soon! You are still cracking head on where to treat them with a healthy feast? I make you job easier...bring them to  : Be Lohas Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine (Sunway Mentari) 32A-1 , Jalan PJS 8/6, Dataran Mentari, Bandar Sun


I always wanted to try Korean Fried Chicken. Being a Muslim it is limited chance for me to try this in South Korea itself even though I was there twice. Every time watching my Korean Drama my saliva feel drooling when there is scene of delicious looking Fried Chicken. WTH! I know...I know...what you are thinking...'face palm' right now! In South Korea they ordered fried chicken like the culture to order pizza delivery. So every time watch Korean Drama...fried chicken here and fried chicken there...of course I am being an ordinary human being unable to take the temptation and desire to have a bite of those finger licking good crispy fried chicken. Good excuse huh? Many said...when it comes to frying chicken nobody...and I mean nobody.. nobody...does it better than the Koreans. My apologies to all other people but this is also my opinion. So if you have other opinion...please try the Korean's fried chicken and let me know. We all have our own preference anyway! 


Pei Ling Chingu suggested this place Wondermama@Avenue K for our dinner. Both of us surf online to find out about menu and details about this restaurant. Apparently they started this restaurant at Bangsar Village and it was a hit back then. Avenue K branch is pretty much the new outlet. I totally love the deco. Its a mixture of culture incorporate together. Pei Ling Chingu who waited patiently for her dinner.  Try to act cute yeeeeeeee???? My selfie....trying to act cute too..WTH! Chingu's choice - Nasi Lemak with Fried Salmon cube. I was contemplating between Nasi Lemak or Spagetti Aglia Olio...but horrrr...for me ...if you serve nasi lemak...then that will be my first choice crazy over nasi lemak!!!! My choice is Nasi Lemak with Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab. The rice could be more softer and the sweet and spicy sambal with petai is delicious! Most of food is combination of Malaysian with Japanese or Korea or Indonesia.


I really love any food with fish. Fish head noodle is one...I can't really give a miss. So fishy huh???? Old Asia specialty is Fish Head and Fish Paste noodles. The Restaurant location is in One Utama same row with Sakae Sushi and McD. I want to add more XO Sauce...with Chingu...I need to 'guai guai'. WTH! Restraining myself not to eat more chillies so I don't become too HOT! Chingu said I can't eat hot food because every time I did...I transform into 'angry bird' mode! hahahaha Enjoying my Fish Head Noodles... and of course for this one I refuse to share with anybody. Its mine mine and mine!!!!! After finish my bowl of Fish Head Noodles...I am telling Chingu..I am still hungry..which Chingu keep reminding me that I am on strict diet because I want to lose 10 pounds. I keep convincing is exceptional case...because its weekend! .... plus let me just cheat for one day! Chingu trying to rationalize to me...I am

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