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I was doing some cleaning up from my desktop and try my best to re arrange my travel photos. When it came to my Seoul Trip on Nov 2012, photos...ah...can't help share this fabulous photos at Secret Garden, Changdeokgung Palace, South Korea. How to go to Changdeokgung Palace? Subway Jongno 3(sam)-ga (Subway Line 1, 3 or 5), Exit 6 then you just walk straight along Donhwamun-ro Street for 10 minutes. I stayed near Jongno 3 (sam) ga just walk and walk and walk until my leg cramped...kekekeke. When you go traveling, all you need..... is the needs of curiosity and exploration attitude! This is the rear garden near Changdeokgung Palace and was constructed by King Taejong and this is the place for resting place of the royal family members. Damn! this remind me of that Drama, Faith and Rooftop Prince and many more Goryeo , historical dramas. This garden was formerly called 'Bukwon' and 'Geumwon but then was renamed as 'Biwo


My Busan-Jeju diary continuation.... 17th October 2014 I reached Busan from Jeju at 12:30noon. I took the Subway all the way to Gwangalli. Oh my quite far from Airport. I reached there around 1:45pm. I met the owner of the studio at the Subway station and she took me to her place which is just a 5 minutes walking distance from the station. This time I don't stay at hotel. I rented a studio for the sake of experience the local lifestyle. Living in studio with kitchen and bed at one place and the need to key in password to the door knob to enter the place. This is how the Studio look like. Quite comfy right? The white Sofa, lacy soft bed which complete with heater mattress, she even provided kitchen and washing machine.The owner was very kind to even provide me with 5 packs of ramyun. After check in , IMA head to Gwangalli Beach which is only 5 minutes walk from the studio. How convenient......Ah! so happy! This is my lunch at Tom Toms Coffee-Sweet Potato Twist Pr


16th October 2014, Wednesday I visited Udo Island which is my final itinerary in Jeju. How to visit Udo Island? You need to take a ferry ride from Seongsan Port. Then when you reach Udo you can opt to take Tour Bus or rent ATV or motorbike or if you rent a car then you can bring your board you car together with ferry from Jeju to Udo. You need to bear in mind that the road in Udo is kind of narrow and it just small Island. You need at least 2 hours to round the Island. For those who loves beaches and natural surrounding can spend 3 hours there. I wish I could have more times to spend a Udo but after my Jeju Folk Village tour I only have around 1 1/2 hours to round Udo before the last ferry back to Jeju. isk isk isk....I wish the time stop so I could have more time to enjoy beautiful Udo. Udo is an Island situated on the eastern end of Jeju. It was named Udo because this Island look like a lying cow. This place is like a miniature of Jeju. What attraction you can

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