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Showing posts with the label #princesswrites

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My first post in Year 2015 is asking people to change Job? Weird start, huh? Well..not really asking people to quit job but change job. Wind of Change! I just want to share on some reason which I think most of us feels in real life. I have been working for almost 21 years now and that was a long time (at least to me) and give me enough credit to share my tips on reason for you to change your job. Talking about quitting job make many of us shiver because many not prepare to be jobless and mentally prepare to live life without knowing what to do in daily life. Well...that is why we don't quit but change job. Many of us afraid for changes. I mean change environment and many still at the comfortable zone. Some of us just put up with whatever difficulties and uncomfortableness while working. Your life is your own responsibility, not your parent or people around you. The blaming game are not qualify to get started with whatever decision you make with regards to your own li...

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