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If you go to Food Republic food court at Pavillion,KL you will notice this Chef Lee's Casseroles counter. Very easy to notice one because this counter always quiet and no people queuing like others. I decided to give a try!!!! Look so classy ma the food. I thought the food will be more like fine dining styles and Chef Lee will cook my meal with love. WTH!!!! It came with more like Briyani Rice set at 'The Mamaks' ! I look inside to the counter and only see a group of Bangla and other foreign workers. Oh! not Chef Lee's love but the Bangla love instead. OMO!!!!! Anyway the counter girl also foreigner....look like Myanmar girl. But the slang like Philippines. Oh Whatever!!! After quick discussion with chingu and both decided to share one set of Chicken + Rice  + Starch which cost us RM14.90. I asked the girl is the food hot? Must ask ma...since that food look like ready made and displayed like 'Chap Fan'. That girl said...its hot!!!


I wanted to try Bulgogi long time ago. I watch many Korean Variety Shows and when they shown the Bulgogi dishes ...really make me drooling. I wanted to try this whatever it takes. At least once in life time. I keep telling myself to live my life by eating less meat. I did...anyway!!!! But hey...this does not mean it is a BIG NO NO just a reduce intake of all those meaty dishes. Last weekend, Chingu decided to treat me at Bulgogi Brothers since somebody told me I need to have some meat at least to continue living. It is a cycle of life and I don't have to feel like a sinner just because they have to kill the cow to feed me the meat. WTH! OK let us experience eating like Korean enjoy the Bulgogi!  We chose Gwangyangsik Bulgogi. This meat is thinly slice and eat it with gwangyang sauce. Not so strong taste to preserve the natural meat taste and all cook on hot plate right in front of us. They add in guguma aka sweet potato, slices of leek, clove of gar

PRINCESS'S EAT : Kyochon, One Utama,Malaysia

안녕하세요 Annyeonghaseyo!! Everytime I ate at BMS - that vegetarian organic place next to Cold Storage ,One U, I can't help it but to notice this Yangnyeom Chikin ( 양념치킨 ) Kyochon Restaurant. They have one human sized mannequin whom I mistook him as Bruce Lee long time ago, welcoming the patron right in front of their restaurant. Damn! my bad...isk isk.. The human sized mannequin who surrender himself for heavy molester Ajumma and Agashi are none other than Choi Si Won - the handsome face of use to be super famous amos korean group Suju or Super Junior.  This Restaurant really flew in SUJU to officiated this Restaurant, ok! Daebak! Poor SiWon!!!! I think his nipple also got sunken in by all the pressing.Naughty!!!! Hamsap!!! MalaysianAjuma and Agashi! WTH! kekekekeke...good wild imagination huh? I don't know about smooching,though because I never witness that so far! BMS Organic Vegetarian restaurant just opposite this place and its my favorite hang out place


I really craving for simple fried mackerel with turmeric. Co incidentally, we were at Sg Wang Plaza at that time. It was late...due to this Chingu got carried away with his sport shoes shopping.Yeay! suddenly this fella taking up hiking. So need pair of shoes suit for that.  People so free horrrr...go hiking every morning.  No need to work ar Chingu???  Apparently this is work too...because accompanying the Boss! It was almost 9:00pm when we decided to have our dinner at Kopi Club just because the menu have this Indo rice...I guess the name is something like that in the menu. It says the turmeric mackerel will be freshly fried and will take around 25 minutes. huhuhuh..IMA go slurp! I need to order this. Chingu ordered rice with spicy squid and chicken rendang. Both normally never eat dinner this late! But seems I am craving like that....we ate for my sake...muahahaha Chingu's dinner came first. Damn...cold rice with squid which taste like paper. Yeay y

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