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Showing posts with the label BEAUTYREVIEW

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Gorgeous Vegan Lipstick by Orkid Cosmetics

As we all know, most of the lipsticks are using beeswax in their formula.If you are a vegan , it might be a daunting hunt not just for food, clothing but also beauty selection too. Recently, I was introduced by The Butterfly Project to vegan and cruelty free lipstick . Oh! this awesome lipstick is born here in Malaysia. Whoa!!! created from scratched by the owner Raeesa Sya who is ambitious enough to provide good halal affordable makeup! She vouch on high quality, safe beauty product and affordable by all. I would say the packaging itself is chic and sleek for every occasion. I received 4 shades all together. I brought it to my day working trip in Labuan.I brought Mars with me. The rest of the color will make me look pale. Afraid people will think I look sick. hahaha.. Applied it in the morning and board my morning flight. Orkid Matte Suede Creamy Liquid Lipstick impressed me. Seriously, I thought this will dry out my lips like any othe

TBP Blog Detox May 2017 : My Fave Cleanser

Recently, The Butterfly Project launching a blog detox to all members. We were given one topic for a short write up. Sort of a blogging exercise too. I find this interesting. First topic is 'My Fave Cleanser'. Not sure about you but myself always not so loyal when it comes to skin care. I normally change to other brand once the existing finished. huhuh...what you expect? Too many brand out there and you expect me to be loyal ? Oh...YES! I am that person who always finished off skin care to the last drop.  Recent cleanser which I am still using is Neutrogena Deep Clean Brightening Foaming Cleanser. But its been many month now...I am still using this same brand as my cleanser. I am a loyal person after all. Neutrogena claims that Deep Clean Brightening Foaming Cleanser will gives 2x Brightening power. No doubt if you include this in beauty regime twice a day in longer period. Why I said that? Neutrogena Deep Clean Brightening Foaming Cleanser has mulberry ext


I always into K Beauty but this time I got my hands on Taiwan Cosmetic and Skin Care. At first, I was so hesitate to try out the product but I dare myself and give this a chance. PSK brand, this is not new to me since I received the glow in the dark lip gloss from them last year. This is my first time trying out their skin care. PSK Deep Sea Source Extraction Series - Intense Moisturizing Concentrate - 30ml Functions : * Rich moisturizing ingredients - my experience rating 5/5 totally moisturizing effect when use this one. A bit annoying because it make your face wet for quite sometimes but really moisturize my  skin well. * Fully penetrate to the bottom of the stratum corneum - my experience rating 4.5/5 because I love this because it really work well with my skin. * Enhance the transparency of the skin - my experience 2/5 because I am not really sure how this thing can enhance my skin transparency. mmmmmm... * Makes skin soft and white -


Just sharing this to who ever happen to drop by this site. Not that I have many fan here though. Anyway, if you stumble upon this site by accident, I am a lady who love to share my experience to others.  Recently, Gobdigoun a brand from Seoul, South Korea sent me a box of face mask to add to my beauty regime. I tried for 7 days consecutive night before sleep.  Sharing to you my experience and what this Placenta Power , Goddigoun did to my skin. WTH! Results after using Gobdigoun Placenta Bio Cellulose Gel Mask : Tadaaaaa!!!! the results are just gorgeous! I feel my skin really pumped up boink! boink!My skin look freshen up, smooth and brighten up. I kind of love it on how it hydrating feeling and the moist it become. No more dry and a healthy looking skin just born. WTH! It does increase elasticity and diminishing fine lines. Though it gives the whitening effect which I think this won't come like in short period of usage. It require frequent mask moment in

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