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Showing posts with the label BHARAT TEA PLANTATION

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Mum's birthday falls on polling day. I choose not to go back on that day. So brought my parent for a weekend gateaway to Cameron Highlands. Me the 'superwoman' drive  them up and down to cameron highlands. mmmmm driving up ad down to that hilly side of cameron with full of confident. I regret not bringing over Jay Chou Initial D soundtrack with me....hehehehehe...yeah!  me an my great imigination again... I even feel like I am part of fast and furious team...WTH!!!! Drama Queen is full of big imigination!!!! wahahahaha... big laugh for me!     treat Mum with the end need to finish them all because they are diabetic...WTH!!! so thoughtful of me to buy this ....huh!!! again...another thoughtful treat from this daughter to a diabetic mum and dad...WTH!!!! sorry lorrrrrr.... me so insensitive!!!!   nice gaberras...   lovely hibiscus   fabulous lilies   not to forget strawbe...

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