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Showing posts with the label Beijing Trip

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My Young Boyfriend in Beijing

There you go... I almost forgotten to mentioned my cute boyfriend from France. I met him in Beijing while exploring Mutianyu Greatwall in Bejing. His name is Allan. He just can't take his eyes off me. Every single moment, during that 12 hours journey he just look at me with full admiration. He must be thinking , why is this lady is different colour than me?? His Dad mentioned , Allan very much in love now. whenever opportunity come he will snap my photos secretly (of course I realise hehehehe... because he sat opposite me) awwwwww.... so shy.... kihkihihihihi... Seriously , he follow me around the whole trip to Mutianyu. My French lover boy eat his rice with only Ketchup.... wohohohoh so romantic!!!! Time to say goodbye he is reluctant when his dad dragged him away. There you go my forbidden love in Beijing.... Totally , huge age different and distant relation??? mmmmmmm I need to wait until he earn enough... yeah... I may be 6 feet underground then... almos


As I mentioned on the other post ,Beijing people eat almost everything and anything.... starfish, crickets ,baby shark,lizard ,dog ,frog,bugs,scorpions and some I can see still alive sticking on those stick wiggle wiggle wiggle crying for help on the innocent death sentence from those street sellers.... isk isk... me feel very sad to see those woggle wiggle bugs and animal on the stick!  Did you see that??? Baby shark and guess what???? they even sell Shark curry....sigh! Due to lack of seafood... I forced myself to eat this cute little animal... huhuhuhuh forgive me.... mbek mbek.. Some of their famous biscuits... don't know how it taste but me afraid of lard as ingredient so dare not try this biscuits. Nutty snack mmmm ...more street food Snails???? wow! how they find that many snails for curry???? Look like korean food heh??? spicy rice cake anyone??? Here we go.... the innocent want after death sentence... Ah!!!! so dead

Planning for Trip

Yeah, yesterday my mood swing at downward level again. No no no pms! That pms over on early week of fasting month. Oooopppss! I declared this to the WWW. hehehe I was busy organising for my next adventure during Malaysia day holiday after Raya. Hope my work don't follow me to my one week adventure trip. Too many places I need to visit and my concern here do I have enough time and days??? This is a challenge since I don't follow tour but want to explore the country on my own. Too many research need to be done... I can feel the heat now since the date is getting closer. Huan Yu speaking are very limited so this is another challenge. Trying my best to find out words in their language for all destination I need to visit and print it out. I will just need to point out those words fella heh??? Hohohoho ...don't forget calculator for bargaining kekekeke Weird! I hardly buy anything when I travel because all the items does not impress

Movie Marathon

Sunday morning!!!!! Love the feeling of peacefulness. Today's breakfast with omellete with Shitake and parmesan cheese and one freshly bake wholemeal farmer roll bread. Oh! one long black coffee.... Thank God for the good food. I am bless! Yesterday was my movies marathon day. Transformer 3 and Harry Potter back to back session. I kind of like Transformer 3 even though the story line is stereotype. Well, what do you expect from Michael Bay direction? One of the movie scene , the part when that Sam Witwicky went for an interview with that old man with white shirt. That scene remind me to my interview session. Look a like scene after I change my strategy of interviewing .... hahahaha hillarious scene when I got to see myself live... oh! of course I look much more better than that old man. When I was in between running towards my Harry Potter, there is this father and son conversation which I could not resist to eardrop. Yeah! nosy woman just can't drop her bad habit.

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