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Showing posts with the label Brutally Honest Series

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PC Brutally Honest Episode 3 - Anti Social

Long weekend is coming and I feel my life not like anyone else fill with pre planned activities with friends and love one. For Bloggers, they will be busy running here and there attending events. Me ? No plan. Nothing! Aihhhhh!!!!! my life is so sucks! no friends to invite me to go any where with them. Not like I can invite myself anyway. isk isk isk Toot! Toot! phone message came in.... C : Wanna go for dinner and watch movie this Saturday ? Another phone message... L : You free for hang out this Sunday brunch ? Few emails came in.... Dear Cindyrina,  We would like to invite you to attend ...bla bla bla At the end my weekend, fill up with lazying around the house sobbing, giggling, rolling over KDrama , eat and sleep. kekekekeke.... I am happy to be in my own space.I feel safe here. Note to myself : Stop whining.  'C'est la vie' means 'this is life' in French. O lala...

PC Brutally Honest Episode 2 - Procrastinator

In life most of us has been procrastinating without even realize it. Yeay! Yeah! While you are reading this post you been thinking ..Be honest to yourself! You are not! too keep thinking the same way.  My favourite line for certain things that I hate to do the most is " I'll do it tomorrow". I just  put everything off until tomorrow and then when tomorrow comes, the cycle repeat again. Things that I hate to do the most are house chores. I hate organize my things and everything got to do with house. This is part of perks for single woman like me. Damn! I love being a single lady more and more. But my nest need to be cleaned at least to have peace of mind. So it is important to still do what I hate the most. Eceeewahhhh... I succeed in other area but when it comes to organizing my dressing room...I think this is my bigger failure ever.  isk isk isk Me : Long weekend is coming finally. I am going to organise this dressing rooms nicely. I will quit K

PC Brutally Honest Episode 1 - I am Happy

There are many simple things in this world can make one happy by just the think of it. Using the power of imagination ... one can smiles, frown or smirk or cry by just thinking about it. Realistic is Certainty but being Unrealistic can make one detach from the real world and wonder in Temporary Happiness. Things Makes Me Happy and Forget the Reality 1. Wake up one morning and lose 5kg overnight.  Wheeeeeeeewwwww!!!! I am still dreaming of this again and again and again. Keep on dreaming and do nothing! hehehehe Lazy Bum! I'm Happy! 2. Log into my online banking and the cash balance is SGD1,000,000.00.  Nose bleed for sure!!! Whoaaa hahahaha..I am rich! rich! rich! Simple minded woman thinking...ngehehehehe..WTH! 3. Don't need to do anything for 48 hours.  Just watch KDrama and eating 2kg of fresh sweet cherries. Diarrhea for sure. isk isk isk I am in lazy woman thinking. Honestly speaking , I am super happy by just doing that. hehehe 4.

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