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Showing posts with the label Foodies

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Marrybrown App Deals & Rewards , Save Your Wallet

  I visited Marrybrown to check out their '40% viral deals'. It's still available! You can purchase as low as RM2.90 from Marrybrown using the apps. Do you love deals? Who don't, right? Recently, I discover, that Marrybrown the Malaysian-based halal-certified fast food chain restaurant has launched a mobile phone application. There are benefits and offers in this application.  How to download the Marrybrown app? Easy breezy! Step 1 - Download Marrybrown (MB) App at Google Playstore or AppStore Step 2 - Register your details Step 3 - Redeem If you download the Marrybrown App now, you are entitled to FREE 1 piece of MB Crispy Chicken. How to redeem in-app Deals? (METHOD 1) Deals Section on Home Tab: Step 1 - On your, Hompage, scroll through the deals and click on the deal you are interested in. Step 2 - Once you click on the selected deals, you will see further descriptions of the deal selected. Step 3 - Press ' Redeem' Step 4 - Check out the deals redeemed under

The All-New Crimson Crunch Chicken from Texas Chicken Malaysia

  Texas Chicken Malaysia is drumming up the festive spirit with the all-new Crimson Crunch Chicken. Inspired by Malaysians’ Chinese New Year favourite snack, the dried chilli shrimp rolls – this new Crimson Crunch Chicken will send your palate tingling with the explosive combo of sweet, spicy and savoury flavours. The lingering umami taste comes from the coating that features a mixture of breadcrumbs and crispy prawn chilli which have been combined with key ingredients like garlic, dried chilli and fried onions.   Tham Yue Foon, General Manager of Texas Chicken Malaysia shared, “ At Texas Chicken, we are constantly innovating with flavours in order to provide new and unique sensory experiences to excite consumers. This time around, for Chinese New Year, we were inspired by this simple yet delicious condiment which is familiar to the Chinese community – the crispy dried shrimp sambal or hae bee hiam - which goes well with bread and rice, and is also the flavour of a popular crispy rol

So Long farewell - Dom

Last Saturday, I have appointment with Jamie and Dom at Pavillion around 12:30noon. I was very the 'kiasu' afraid of traffic jam...yeay me to avoid stress... I came out very early at 9:00am in the morning. I reached there around 10:15am.Freaking traffic jam ok... like going to work on Monday....Ahhh!!!! so many free people like me...muahahahaha So early??? What should I do here....??? mmmmmm...... Evil side of me...start suggesting something to use more just came back from Seoul last week wor!!!! still got money left to spend meh??? At the end... I end up..... pampering myself at Thai Odyssey at Farenheit....muahahahahaha... this WOMAN good in spending money huh? But still .... I am also consider a lil smart in earning money......???? hehehehe...surviving ler.... So long never get massage... since I don't like aromatherapy massage...I big fan of thai traditional massage in another word I like to be pressed!!!!

Pei Ling Chinggu's Birthday Dinner @ Chakri Palace

Finally, I found ways to maintain this blog...huhuhuhuhu relieve! I was so not use to that too. So my readers...I am not changing. I will stick to this blog so stay tune.... Last Friday...went for dinner with colleague at Chakri Palace , KLCC. Reason? Celebrate Pei ling Chinggu's birthday in advance...weeeeeeeeee!!!! Her actual birthday is on 30th Nov ...since I will be freaking busy next week and she will be away to Lego Land to fight with all kiddos there...hehehehe.. Here goes our night feast.... look at Fad....she is busy updating her instagaram...mmmm young people Happy face waiting for food...yum yum Seafood platter Chicken feet salad Seafood Tom Yam Khung Glutton colleague......muahahahahaha my face cannot be included... Since that Chinggu so demanding wanna haagen daaz ice cream cake.... enough lo... you can't finish it la and plus so bloody expensive cake and all of us have to eat it fast as we

Paradigm Mall - Tea Garden

We went traditional by eating this rice steamed cake tea time      Yau Char Kueh and beancurd with peanut sauce soya cincau  happy face because too full hehehehe

First Time Pasta Zamai

Last Saturday to see old time chinggu at Tropicana City Mall. Since I reached there early I end up getting my pedicure...kekekeke result me half hour late for the appointment. Very bad girl!  Julie's choice - 1st brunch Rice top with grilled terayaki chicken and poarched egg      Julie's choice - 2nd brunch spagetti in clams soup top with golden fried garlic   Both Jack and me end up digging into her bless meal hehehehe...sharing and caring!   Jack's choice - spagetti with beef and mushroom My choice - spagetti with hotate and mushroom 3 of us sharing this as dessert. Don't know what this call....taste??? ok! 

Bagan Lalang Seafood

We thought wanna try the Senandung Seafood but too many people than went to this Restaurant Bagan Lalang Seaview..... too far from the sea but still can view lol.  Nasi Lemak....the chilli so owhhhh!!! spicy!   Bamboo Seashell we request to cook with Ginger...mmmm nice!   This sweet and sour prawn end up become spicy prawn!   Deep fried squid  with sauce grilled squid vegies with shrimp   Grilled stingray.....   after eating this I am rushing home due to stomach ache and we suspected the lychee drink because I am the only one drinking that....huhuhuhuh..... Chinggu is 'A' ok and me suffering throughout the 2 hours journey back home sob sob 


          I have 3 avocadoes in my fridge...its getting bad soon if I don't make use of it. I decided to make my own sandwich spread.       Avocadoes cut into half and scoop the flesh with spoon then put in the bowl. Smash it like mash potatoes Squeeze in some lemon juice Add in slices of shallots Pinch of salt and black pepper to taste...   Keep it in the tight tupperware like this and this can last you for at least three days. When you want to eat it scoop few spoon in the bowl and add it with sardines or tuna or you can just spread it on wholemeal bread as it is....   Ah! so smart...for a single woman like me....PERFECT for quick meal!!!!


My Friday night dinner with Pei Ling 'Chinggu'. I have this Portuguese spicy grilled fish with ladies fingers!!!! mmmm.... so good!!! Ah! so high calories!!!!  Following Pei Ling Chinggu with her favourite Bonjour Cream Puff... OMOOOO!!!! not my taste... So rich of cream!!!! Driving my parent from Kajang to Shah Alam and the journey will take around one hour. Since Mum have a severe gastric, I standby with this steamed cakes for her to eat on the way to my Sis 's house in Shah Alam... mmmm.... so good daughter, huh!!!! hehehehehe...   After reached my sis's house...all of us hopped on to her car and head to Uptown Damansara for breakfast...We choose to try out The Village Park. One of the Malaysian leading actress's restaurant....huhuhuh not hers but her parent ,though!!!!      My mummy's choice is Soto Ayam... Chicken soup with rice cubes,noodles,groundnuts,beancurds,shredded chicken....according to my Mum.... sh


Its all started when I watched this korean version of Hana Kimi call "To the Beautiful you "... One of the episode ...Goo Jae Hee presented Kang Tae Joon ,Lemon with Honey in the glass jar....hehehehe... here goes my copycat result.... Lemon slices in glass jar....hehehehe its getting thicker and thicker due to my lack of patient. What a masterpiece ...from me...huhuhuh Not much honey to pour in....since this is the only remaining honey left in my friedge... Whatever!!!! I can enjoy this in 3 days timessssss!!!!! Wuhuhuhuhuh...what an achievement for me!!!!

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