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Showing posts with the label Hair care. Hair

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Miseenscene Perfect Serum Rose Edition Review

  My last visit to the hair salon was before my Guilin trip in Dec 2019.  That was a long time ago. I used to do hair rebonding or relaxing on yearly basis. As you all aware we are currently facing a global virus attack. I tried as much as possible to avoid or minimize interaction with other human being or anything alive in this world. I hardly out from my home unless it is necessary. Back to my hair story. During the pandemic, I had taken matters into my own hand. I cut my hair twice during this period. One is last year turn out as a massive disaster. I was trying to follow the trends like any other people. Last year you will see many videos where people around the world tied back a ponytail and then cut it out. I did that last year but little that I know the front fringe went off as well. WTH! I hardly had any fringe in my life. I really hate the way my hair turns out at that time. Every single day is about praying for my hair to grow faster to minimize the trace of my bad w...

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