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Showing posts with the label Happy Monday

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Monday Again

OMG!!! its Monday???? Monday is the most difficult transition for us after weekend. How to start your week with less grumpy and make it happier??? Here are few suggestion to kick start your week. Wear your best dress Turn on your favourite music on while you are driving to work Eat you favourite food for breakfast (oopppsss for those who are fasting jut skip this one,ok) Greet people around you with bright smile Clean your office table and make it tidier Ask you office mate on how is their weekend Try to help them is possible Come out with a to do list for the week Call out to your friends and talk about fun topic more to list just think about positive and fun thing and your week will be better and happier! Happy Monday WWW!

Smart Girl

Although my mood swing are very bad today.. I still manage to put up my usual fake smile... drama! Anyway, today recruitment day 3. I have been talking and talking and talking bla bla bla selling the company and selling my 'BOSS' how good he is and bla bla bla ... ah! if I have choice, I will tell 'em the truth! Thank God ! I am on menstrual so still can drink after talking so much! Plus today everybody came and looking for me. Everybody called in looking for me too.. I wish I could duplicate myself. But I can't :( Next week will be worst! Got to Puasa and talk and talk the whole week frm 9.00am to 5pm. Damn!!!! I am seriously selling very hard here... Today I bought 3 Sweet Dorothy Perkins top straight from London... hahahahahah (big laugh) My very very 1st item from overseas and its London (yeah! what big thing about getting thing from London??? Nothing just feel happy hahahaha) I don't mean to keep it for myself My very 1st oversea item is a Teddy Bear from Harro

Its another Monday

Since last night I went to bed early.. This morning I wake up with fresh mind.. stay positive Rina.. Exam this Saturday... huhuhuuuuu.. I don't have a clue what to expect! I listed down all the questions possible for each chapters then try my best to do some research and answer the questions.. Hopefully this method work! Later need to attend this routines Monday morning meeting! Lazy!!!!! but no choice.. I am trying my best to stay strong and try to eliminate any negative vibes around me... Hope this week a good one!!!!

Happy Monday

Another Monday morning.. I am enjoying my Monday morning listening to forever awesome 'Boys Before flower' soundtrack ' and drinking my old town white coffee' after one wholesome 'Red Dragon Fruit' mmmmpphh! I feel fresh! What a good Monday morning.. It is good to start early on Monday. Many things to accomplish. Hope my mission complete this week. Yeah! this week is my classes week. So life a bit like hell with that hahaha.. I will try to maintain cool this week.. although don't know what to expect! Last Saturday , went for group discussion. Appointment at 10.00am and as usual Malaysian being Malaysian some even turn up at 11.30am never respect other members time at all. We had came very early wait patiently for them. Good that we manage to complete something during the meeting . Last us around 1.30pm. Drove back home and checked in to TGV for Terminator hahaha yeah! naughty Rina! Suppose to study back home back end up facing the big screen and do some wind

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