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Showing posts with the label Health Supplement

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Ujuwon Ba Zhen Clean Detox and Ba Zhen Bust Up Nourishment Drink Review

  Although I am not Chinese, the word Ba Zhen is nothing new for me. Ba Zhen herbal soup is a popular remedy among Chinese women and men to maintain good health and well being. It is a way to "replenish qi and blood".  Well, I would say it helps women more since the formula is good in restoring balance and vitality during and after the menstrual cycle.  Those days Ba Zhen soup was boil based on special prescribed Chinese herbs by a trained professional to ensure safety and effective use. You can get any Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner for the right prescription based on your specific needs. Ladies! for those who don't know this, we have to boil the Ba Zhen for hours with control heat to get good nutritional benefits out of it. Face the fact although many of us are working from home now, doesn't mean we have plenty of time to boil a good herbal soup to maintain our health. We are too busy juggling work and home. Most of the time we are overworked, stress, exh

BiO-LiFE Empowers Mega Living With The Power Of 'C'

WHAT MAKES A SUPERHERO? Is it someone who is super strong, healthy and with enviable muscles? Far from it. It's the everyday champion who braves daily traffic for an even busier working day ahead. It's the hardworking mum and dad who pursue better lives for their kids. It's those who actively pursue goals on the go. A " superhero" lives in all of us and mega living as such deserves the power of "C' for healthier lives! I guess even the Avengers need a daily dose of Vitamin C too . The question is, how many oranges do you eat or squeeze to drink to ensure a healthy dose of vitamin C every day? Refreshingly delicious, it's hard to refuse a glass of orange juice to kickstart a busy "relentless" day. Seriously, how many "superheroes" like us even have the time to squeeze oranges as we dash out the door each day or even think about the nutrients it provides to keep us on the go? Since our body does not produce vitamin

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