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Medan Trip - Day 2

Wah! internet connection too slow these days. I got very frustrated to upload photos. Eventhough not complete uploading for Day 2 but at least something up too my level of patience. Day 1 at Medan was enjoyable. Day 2 my day was like riding on roller coster for almost 6 hours. The feeling was terrible. The journey to Gundaling and Togging to see the mount Sibayak, Mount Piso Piso and Lake Toba was very unpleasant. Reviews over the internet was a bit exaggerated. Most said only 2 hours from Medan City but based on my true experience the bumpy journey took almost 4 hours. Going through the small road with countless big holes is really tiring. However, throughout the whole journey one may experience proverty with own eyes on huge gap in standard of living between city and rural areas. As usual this happens all over the world where the corruptions being the barriers. I could experience more adventure if I travel alone. What a pity since this time round I have some limitations to experience

Medan - 1st Day

Camwhore at airport while waiting to board the plane Hotel interior...reasonable 1st camwhore @ hotel before off for 1st night dinner in medan Place to sleep in Medan Medan City view from my room Beautiful sky As usual snap snap to kill my time At Jala Jala restaurant for my 1st night dinner

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