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Showing posts with the label PRINCESSCINDYRINA

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Ramadhan In My Perception

What is Ramadhan to all of us here in Malaysia? It's a mixed perception. Some say this is the month where the Muslim don't eat and drink in the Public . Bazaar Ramadhan with many choices of food and local delicacies. This is the months where most hotel and eateries charge a sky-high buffet line price with feast ready to gobble once the time comes to break the fast. You can see many VIPs, VVIPs, Companies visited the orphanage and the poor with thoughts of giving back to the community but at the same time call the press and make sure get the name on the visible section possible to announce the deeds. For the first time in my entire working experience, I am placed with the same office with a Muslim friend. I find that during Ramadhan time they can't stop talking about food throughout the day. For eg. what to cook for breakfast later and this food nice and that food nice. They would excitedly ask the same question to me too. Which I always abruptly, told th

Remarkable Skin Transformation with TeaTree by Some By Mi

If you are a beauty addict like me you would know that Tea Tree has many good benefits for the skin . One of the most popular TeaTree use is for spot treatment.  An anti-inflammatory such as help to reduce redness, irritation and swelling . It can help to shrink you pimples faster . Good news isn't it? Anti-bacterial / antiseptic which can help to prevents infection . I can help to clear the clogging pores and build up oil on the skin. It is not advisable to buy the tea tree oil and apply directly on the skin . You may put your skin in high-risk condition. In this case, I would say the commercial product contains tea tree oil is so much safer for us to use rather than DIY recipe which is floating around the internet. Recently, I have a chance to try out most famous Some by Mi product AHA, BHA, PHA 30 days Miracle series with Real Teatree as main ingredients. It was fascinating to watch all those Korean YouTubers and others review on how miraculous of t

GIVEAWAY TIME : I Am Feeling Generous

GIVEAWAY CLOSED! I AM ANNOUNCING THE RESULT ON 23RD JULY 2018 MONDAY. Hello! If you follow my blog, I have been busy with my new working place. My updates are totally irregular. Very busy these days and by the time reach home its night time. Weekend busy trying to catch with my 'me' time. I wanted to document most of my personal experience here but can't find time for that. Believe it or not...I don't even do laundry for 3 weeks now. hahaha...I am going to have undies shortage soon. muahahaha... Time to get my life organized soon! I am excited to announce my FIRST GIVEAWAY for the year 2018. What is the prize ladies? See the photos below. Really the backpack came to me look exactly as photo below. So happy! I ordered 2 ways style backpack. You can wear it as a backpack or you can sling on your shoulder like a hobo. Interesting, right? This back totally suitable for those travellers or love the chic styles. Best this backpack even have a small hole on top

Mamonde Presents ' Flowers For Me ' Holiday Collection

Christmas and New Year mood comes early for me. The season of givings and chilling out starting now with Mamonde's Holiday Collection themed 'Flowers for Me' sends out powerful message - that is to reward yourself before others. Its common we will be buying presents for other and forget about rewarding ourselves. Mamonde change the tradition this year and this year by crafting holiday sets specially for you! The packaging are beautifully designed boxes with printed vibrant graphic of Mamonde Garden in harmony with butterflies and birds. Just by one glance it will make you in happy mode. Mamonde's 'Flowers for Me' Holiday Collection 2017 brings 5 flower-amazing sets for self pampering. Holiday goers!!! inn addition to 5 sets, the holiday collection also includes a Holiday Limited Edition Creamy Tint Color Balm Intense and Holiday Limited Edition Brightening Cover Powder Cushion. What do you think? First Energy Duo Set worth RM319, Price at RM219/-

Bamboo Briyani at Gamuda Walk, Kota Kemuning Shah Alam

It was my first time visited to Gamuda Walk. Yes! totally out of my usual way but I was happened to be there. Gamuda Walk is not that big place to tour around. While touring around , I saw this bunting displaying Bamboo Briyani Rice. I was so excited! Damn! I was longing to taste this Bamboo Briyani for so long. But most of the place offer such cuisine located so like end of the world for me like Klang.  I was contemplating to try this since 3 hours earlier just had Briyani Rice with my friend. Me was like....gosh! I wanna try this badly but I was afraid that over ate rice for a day and make me fat. My friend rationalize to me and you know what he said ??? You are already fat ? Eating rice twice for a day doesn't make any different. I was like...wanna get angry but realistically that is the fact! WTH! And this idiot ...bought that! ** Face Palm** I am a loser for the day! Whatever it is, the taste of this Briyani really worth it to be called loser to eat rice t

Naruko Brightening and Firming Eye Cream

I am not sure about any other people but for me , I can't skip the Eye Cream or Serum routine on my eye area. My eye area has lots of problem. Yeah! yeah part of me being both short and far sighted at the same time. (** Face Palm** to that ). I have terrible eye bag and dark Circle seems like born with me from my Mum Womb. Now that I am past 40s that crow feet eye emerge out of nowhere. Age gracefully and uglier too. Natural ageing kind of sucks sometimes because you need to look in the mirror every morning and the reflection kind of..... WTH! How do I start my morning with that kind of face? ngeeeeeee...such a motivational morning! Main problem is not wrinkles or dark circle or even that crow feet thingy. I just feel uncomfortable if my eye area is dry. If I skip even one day of eye cream , it will get lot worst. When I was in Kaohsiung in April this year, I bought Naruko Brightening and Firming Vitamin K Eye Cream Ex which made from Taiwan Magnolia. I bought it

The Butterfly Project July 2017 : My Fav Face Mist

What is your first impression if I mention the word ' Face Mis t' ? Refreshing ? Oh yeahhh!!! you bet during this hot weather season. My first thought when Face mist is hot item for beauty addict ? WTH? This is just a scented water spray onto face. Envy the face spray fashion, I then started to follow the face mist vibes and own few of it too. goes with my 'WTH?' Isn't this just a spray toner ? Well.. I got that part wrong!  Toners used after the face cleanse while this face mist can be used at any time. Just spray over as long as you don't get drunk overdosed of spray. kekeke What is face mist function ? Revive the tired skin Helps to control break out Skin hydration Set make up  How to use face mist for your skin condition ?   Oily / Acne Skin - Spray face mist with lightly astringents to ward off  breakouts Dry Skin - Get the face mist with hydrating ingredients. You can spray it over all day long to rejuvenate you

Looking Good in the Kitchen with Mamonde

When everybody happily eating and drinking away in the living room...I was that person who stuck in the kitchen cooking away for them. Hard to believe..huh? Yes! I cook too. Whether its edible to far no complaint.  Don't ask to bake or anything else. I can just do a simple stir fry using my survival common sense instinct. Being stuck in the kitchen all the time during Raya doesn't mean I need to look messy and oily face. I was happily dolling up and freshening up with Mamonde.  Apply BB Cream and lip tint is a must to look pretty welcoming the guest. I brought back Mamonde Long Lasting Liquid Eyeliner. I chose the long lasting so don't need reapply it all the time. It last until I wash off at night before go to bed. Perfect for busy kitchen person like me. I love the sturdy brush tip. It easy to apply and less shaky line for not so pro make up Goddess like me. ahahaha.. Don't need eye shadow or whatsoever. Just a simple super black Mam

Poor Execution of Delivery from Well Known Online Marketplace in Malaysia

I wish don't need to do such blog post. But I need to let this out health will damage due to unsatisfactory.  This is one 'emo' post! I was so happy when Mamonde launched Online Store at Yeayyy!!! convenient. Love online shopping plus super excited to shop. I received RM20 vouchers and decided to do some shopping for Raya gift. Plus you see that photo banner? First 120 buyers at Mamonde Online store will receive that beautiful pouch and 50ml First Energy Serum. Oh yeay! Happy mode to shop and race out to be the first 120 buyers. I ordered Mamonde Basic Skincare set on 6th June 2017 through Mamonde Online Dying to get my hands on those beautiful pouch. You see...Mamonde products are all flowers inspired products. Even their skin care pouch is hard to be miss. Super gorgeous to my eyes. I was nervously cross my fingers and wish to be the first 120 buyers. I waited for a week. No sign of shipping notification

3 Causes of Forgetfulness and Solutions with TAG La™

When you bluntly announce that you forget something...the first response you receive will be??? You so old one, meh??? Often forgetfulness is associated with ageing. But to me, forgetfulness happens to any of us whether you are young or old. What Cause Forgetfulness ? 1. Lack of Sleep 2. Stress and Anxiety 3. Depression Forgetfulness Solution 1. Keep your body active with regular exercise and try to get enough sleep 2. Watch your diet and keep balance nutrition 3. Invest on Technology for speedy solution of your forgetfulness.  Recently, this mini square thingy call TAG La™ reached me.  How this lil things can be a solution to forgetfulness habit of us? I normally bad in trying out device. But TAG La™ is pretty much easy to start with. TAG La comes in 6 choice of colors - Black , Red, Yellow, Green , Blue and White. My TAG La came in yellow color. My first impression of TAG La is the sleek convenient design with key-chain holder for conve

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