Yeah... title is enough to tell everything...shall I continue writing or stop just right here??? Still asking this stupid question to myself... so self conflict! This few days, starting with my pinky finger on my left hand then the swollen travel all the way to my knee then to my shoulder then there and there and here and there...MY GOD!!!! Hurt to even drive to work and carry thing... So hurt like wanna break all my bone. drama queen huh! But finger swollen... I thought I allergy but then I realise this so called self claimed 'Sailormoon' , 'Power puff auntie' and 'Wonder Auntie'...OMO...almost left out another title...'SUPER Auntie'... forgot to re stock the Glucosamine supplement. Didn't have this for few months and the result is.....jeng jeng jeng almost become that 'rock auntie'....stiff here and there...pain here and here. This week every morning woke up totally like auntie 60 years old. Put...
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at