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Showing posts with the label Princess' Diary

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  Very excited I am going to Ha Long bay!!! Ha Long bay is recognised as the World Natural Helitage. Aiyo!!! Heritage become Helitage...ahahahaha... mind my spelling grammar and whatever 'england'. I sounds so chinese huh! But this is how I sounds when in real life...just be myself la huh!   Yeayyyy!!! look at my face!!! ah! now realise my face here look like 'Pau'.   In tour bus...getting ready for 4 hours journey from Hanoi to Ha Long   After long 4 hours journey....huh finally reached here. Damn!!!! get down from the bus and I feel chilling to  deepest bones...bbbrrrrrr...very cold!!!!   rows of boat waiting for tourist to go on board....   finally left the port and I am heading towards the destination...    fisherman boat house...amzing they can sleep at night in that boat house...   Here come our on board lunch...seafood...yeahhhhh!!! serious the...

Hectic Year End

I didn't update my diary for quite sometimes... mmmm...not because of too lazy but just can't find time to do this. Like the other day I mentioned to one of my friend who is asking me out for at least dinner before christmas.... I told him, I don't even have time to do my laundry and you know what???? I think I am going to be out of clean underwear to wear soon.... and his response was like .....woi!!!! why are you telling all this to a man??? My answer to him was like...wei!!! I am telling you how busy I am.....muahahahaha... So...see you next year la... Serious! after came back from Myanmar...I was busy bee. Not only busy in work but also busy to 'tai chi' the scary political office drama created by one of the 'power hungry lady ghost' here. pick the wrong opponent woman! Anyway... I don't have time to entertain her 'bloody' I just go 'open book' to my Boss and there you go , 'Da bomb'! Game Ov...


I am in the midst of thinking... Should I or Should I not???? What to do ? aissshhh... decision making process is so difficult if you are the one who need to decide and take responsiblity. Being and adult is not easy when you have to take responsibility on whatever you do. Ah!!!! Rina too 'chicken'! mmmm.... chicken must be puzzled because suddenly in the picture. Yeah! too innocent chicken ,huh??? Purpose of this post???/ I just want to release out my worries and hope I can take responsiblity for the decision I am going to make soon. Big decision.... Nothing got to do with the letter 'M' but involve another 'M' and this is for the next 'T'. hehehehe...

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