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Showing posts with the label Selamat Hari Raya

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Another 2 Weeks

This ramadhan feel very fast... I guess I am getting matured...eheh...don't want to use that word 'old'. I don't feel that bad for not drinking a single drop of water the whole day. I don't feel hungry at all...... So far back from work head straight to my fridge to take out whatever in the fridge and strat thinking on what to cook. Yesterday, I cook kimchi soup with soy bean curd and lots of vege throw in... Half way eating feeling so good ar? You think I can lose weight like this ar? mmmmm... I guess my body give up to lose weight. I don't eat much and don't drink that much of water too....but my weight has been very stagnant...WTH!!!! ooooppssss....'puasa'. Another 2 weeks.... 'raya time'. Received this morning from Chingu at 12:21pm.... Chingu : Good morning! you wake up ledi ar???? Me : Of courseeeeeeeee!!!! Chingu : Wanna watch movie??? Me : Of courseeeeeee!!!! Chingu : What movie ar??? haiiisssh

We come in a package

Wow! nice Wednesday morning traffic. If I know the road going to be this smooth ,I should have stop at that Petronas station to reload my smart tag. The balance is running low. I can't even enter KLCC with my smart tag. I guess they only accept RM30 and above. hahaha.. Look like everybody is back to their respective hometown. I am imagining everybody busy wrapping the 'ketupat' and 'bakar' the 'lemang'. I miss those days! I don't mean I miss me doing all those things. Hehehehe... me love to eat and being bossy around only kekeke... I am not one person who will get excited with baking the cookies or something. I like to see all those pretty cookies and listen to their fantastic name but not so very keen in eating those thing. Feeling a bit lazy to drive north on Friday morning at 3.30am but I oblige to do so. Today that fella aka my pot rice is flying out from Yangon to KL. Then tomorrow will be a hectic day for me. Hopefully don't have to be at work

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