Dear Diary, Early this week, I am so blur! I drove to work Monday morning...when I was at Fraser roundabout suddenly I heard 'BANG!!!' then my car was shaking...then I realise some 'ARSEHOLE' just bang my car!!! The blur me... can't even notice who bang my butt!!! I end up driving all the way to work while my mind keep thinking... please please please don't make the damage that bad. If not ... I have to start thinking to buy another car...isk isk isk... this mean trouble to my bank accounts. For the person who just bang me and 'cabut lari'...GOD BLESS' you SEVERELY and I totally know and put my 100% faith to my GOD. GOD always fair to me lately. For this bang... I treat this as my debts payment for my past wrong doings!!!! Stay positive!!!1 Reached office....duk dak duk dak... try my best to stay calm to have a peep to my car 'ARSE'.... black mark and deep cut here and there and the dent too. Can't help it...start
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at