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Showing posts with the label Soy Tay Citadel

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  Vietnamese cat...they chain this fella like a dog huhuhuh... My thought at that time....was like... mmmm... maybe Viet eat almost everything...even dog ,cat and many many other animal...maybe the owner afraid cat wondering around and get caught and end up in another household big pot for 'cat stew' or 'roasted cat'!   very fresh local fruits and meat seller at one of the local village   I didn't go into this palace but was told this is Princess Mia's Palace. She also known as 'Sugar Cane Princess'. Say what???? mmmm.... according to my tour leader...this lady been very helpful to villager here. she taught them to plant sugar cane and harvest sugar cane and use the sugar cane in their daily use. That is why she is 'Sugar cane Princess'. Now you know why many of Viet's dishes grill use sugar cane stick instead of bamboo stick. I don't know maybe there is another legend for 'Bamboo Prince'. When S...

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