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What's Next???

Although I am currently busy with my studies, assignment and exam preparation, I can't help to not to think about my future. MBA! what is next? I don't really know what should I do after this? Can I be someone in that top position in corporate world? Am I ready to join that dirty world? Oh yeah! I can't expect my life will be clean if I decided to be one in that group. Should I just stay where am I now and live happily in my own world? Should I start a small business that can sustain me at least another 10 years? Yeah! in my previous entry I should just go travelling and give myself a break after my MBA. I think I should move on and find ideas what should I do after my MBA. I can't have a break. Time is not waiting for me for a break. Time is behind my back chasing after me. I can't turn back the time if I miss it. I think I need to really sit down one day and just think and think hard on what is my next step in order to sustain and survive in this world. I need to ...

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