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Showing posts with the label VENICE

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I need to cross to Taipa to go to Venetian City . I took public bus to Ferry Terminal. Then from Ferry Terminal I took free shuttle to Venetian City. As usual in the public bus, I was called by one philipines woman....since the bus was full then I need to stand. That lady was looking at me...then slowly she keep saying this to me... philipines? philipines??/ I smiled at her and shook my no.. Owwwhhh!!! you look like philipines???? really look like philipines??? I just smile... yeahhh..people are looking at me...oh goshhhh!!! Indonesian??? she continue again.... I shook my head again with no no.. yeahhh...keep guessing!!! where you from???? she asked again... persistent to know where I am from??? huh??? I am from Malaysia!!!! Finally , I said it! Owwwhhh!!! she replied...face look like philipines... Me just smile and replied...yeah yeahhhhh...we philipines,malaysia,indonesia, vietnam,thailand,myanmar.... same face!!!   In my h

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