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Showing posts with the label Xams Dinner at Alexis 19 Dec 2009

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Xmas Dinner@Alexis 19 Dec 2009

We meet once a year. Normally nearer to Xmas or New Year. Its been almost 5 years we know each other. starting from working at the same place called PWR Design Sdn Bhd. The place that given me opportunity to enter Media & Advertsing Industry. Since most of us had left the company with our own personal reason, we promise each other to meet again at least once a year. Starting from year 2007 with 5 of us at Delicious, Bangsar (Brandom, Jamie, Wai Gin, Pat & Myself). Then 2008 with only 4 of us at Chulo, Jaya One PJ (Brandom, Jamie, Wai Gin & Myself). This year down to 3 of at Alexis ,Garden MidValley. Hope next year we meeyt again and the number will not reduce. Thank you to Jamie & Brandom for giving me piece of their personal advise on how horrible I look this year. Yes! my study & work really eating me up. Like I promise you people... next year I will meet you people with new me. Ahahahahah... you just wait for new me... next year is the year for me to beautify mys...

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