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Showing posts with the label assignments

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What for dinner?

Tonight seriously sad case. Why? Reached home around 8.30pm. Seriously don't know what to eat. I drank plain water on the way back home. Don't know where to stop to buy my dinner. I feel sick to eat mamak food again. I settle with 2 pieces of Munchys Dark Chocolate Biscuits and one mug of hot green tea. Feel hungry again but just feel like no appetite at all. Tonight! crash study on products. Tomorrow my plan change suppose to send car for servicing but end up with early business appointment at Cheras Mahkota. Praying hard for Miri potential sign up under me. At least when I go for interview they will notice on my expanding network and outstanding potential. Gambatei Cindyrina!!! God! please let me have this one... dead or alive!!! Too busy these days.. Finish up my assignment then busy prepare for my exam coming Oct then busy with my interview.... Hardly can eat properly and breathe properly... Tiring!!!

Great Weekend

I finished my 1st assignment last Saturday and submitted on Sunday morning. Now I have one more to go. Hope to finish off by this Friday. I am still in honey moon period hahaha yup! got carried away since finished one assignment. My purse does my handbag :( Yesterday visited Sg Wang to get one purse. LV hahaha dont really want to get LV but somehow bought it and only realise its LV. RM30 worth of LV what the heck! hihihih fake LV!!! Can't get bag that i wanted ,so no handbag settle with old old one from my box. Thought of going to Food Republic @ Pavillion for my favourite Ipoh Curry Laksa. Somehow too full of people and got no place to sit at all. I remembered my friend Brandom open one 'Little Ben' @ Pavillion . Walk towards 'old town' and found my friend's restaurant there. mmm love the set up. Very nice! I settle with Nasi Dagang and Sailor Mee and also lemon grass tea. Splendid! The food was marvellous! Right now! I just got carried away and entert

Between Study and Work

These few days, my life is upside down... I am in between of study for my next class. Then I need to do my assignments. My workload become tripple and end of the month coming up! The most important in the world at this time is to study for my next interview and do THE BEST BUSINESS PROPOSAL. This is for my future. I only have one chance... I have to work for this. I have to make sure I do my VERY VERY BEST! I feel not enough time for myself right now! Hopefully this is a worth it sacrifice! Although I feel very tired but I have no choice to force myself. Dinner for tonight? Whatelse? feel like eating maggie but have to stick with my diet no dinner. JUST PLAIN WARM WATER uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I need to loose weight, badly!

Head Drilling Session@ Cyberview

Here goes my Saturday... Not a lift up hips but a lift up headddd... A day at Cyberviewlodge Resort. I love and thankful for this opportunity to tour around this beautiful place. However, spend a day stuck in the room listen to so called successful people talk... yeah I pick up what I feel right for me! But hell not all. Anything relevant the rest is just a boast for me!!! I am bit stubborn here... Idea to eliminate family and friends are too much though! I may want to be selfish to get to the top but my heart is not that cold ! I love the earlier part of the talk and show on RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki! Learn a lot and I am definate want to practic the formula.... I dont want to be rich but I just want to have enough money to do what I always want to do... Back home I am tired. I want to dozz off now and wake up early and work on my unfinished business (my apple assigment) hope can come out with my 1st draft tomorrow. OK ! I will determine to finish it tomorrow. Lock myself a

Apple Inc Part 1

This morning I was driving with one eye open due to my contact lense came out. My eyes too dry.Is so difficult and scary. Thank God! manage to reach office safely. Last night, I am suppose to start my analysis on SWOT, Value Chain, PESTLE and many other tools that I had learned in my Competitive Strategy class on Apple Inc. Yeah! need to complete that by this Sunday and send over to turnitin and get the cert. then can submit on 10th July 2009. Worst thing! I end up staring at the computer blank and don't know how to start... I suppose to think about Apple Inc. but end up think about Apple as a fruit. Isshhh! for 3 hours sat there with all apples flying above my head. How to start? Even this morning I am in the office I still don't have any clue on how to start. I will try again tonight and think hard about this when I am driving back tonight. I am also very worried on my coming Saturday presentation. Ah! for the sake of getting the salary at the end of the month. I will give m


Reached home very late on Friday night. Attended this Malaysian Media Awards 2009 at Shangri La. Anyway, Shangri La again??? Never!!! The quality of food sucks!!! not like before...even the service not like 5 star. I don't fancy going to all this function. But since this is part of my job.. gotta go meaning gotta go eventhough you are freaking tired. You have to put up you drama smile to everybody. Ah! so freaking fake!!! Have to put up a smiling face eventhough the person beside you have a very heavy liqour smell on his breathe ... Yeah ! Guiness the main sponsor.. damn!!! hate it when I am sober and the rest almost unconscious! Pepole shouting screaming yelling of happiness ... is it true or just because they are freaking drunk! I don't know!!! I am glad when things ended yeah the winning team will stay on and party till the dawn.. Me? what the heck to wait until dawn if I can get myself outta here... Drag myself to drive all the way back right after the function.As usual I

More to go..

I have a sleepless night these days, due to staying up to do my assigments. I never read this much in my life. Whoever know me , for sure know me as one person whom hate to read so much. I mean all this serious book. As my tagline "wanna live my life like princess", one can tell from the tagline what kind of book can make me fascinated ? Fairytales!!!! hahahahah yeah! and more I love mysteries and historical too. Oh ya! back to my assignments, I done my part on Group assignments for LMP and part of CS this is due to the other part need me to evaluate and recommend which is I have to wait for the rest of the group part. How to evaluate? The truth is... hell! I don't know!!!! CS is new thing for me. I have not attend any class yet for this subject! Another heart popping out moment coming since I need to present on CS. Ah! I hate presentation. Gives me butterflies and ants and also worms in my stomach. Like throwing up. Hate public speaking! Introvert I am! I feel nervous an

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