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Showing posts with the label bloody driver

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A Witch Story

I was travelling to work this morning and the traffic was horrible. Not to mentioned on the jumping queue drivers who really testing my morning patience. Another type of driver who always trigger my anger is the one driving like 20km/h style or literally don't want to move. Tortoise case! I was trying my best to control my terrible temper. Keep thinking about tolerance then karma and many things while driving at that crawling morning. If I have skills in animation, I would draw a cartoon on the whole situation. I will make the whole situation as nasty possible and make all this people to pay for their sin. Hehehehe I consider myself Saint in this situation kekekeke... If I am A WITCH with great Magic Scene 1:- Then one car coming from the back and trying to cut the queue. I will then just wink my left eyes and crush that car and toss it to the road side. and the driver go....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrkkkkkkkk Scene 2:- I was trying to change lane from right to left but the motorcyclis...

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