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Showing posts with the label chinaman uncle

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Friday Morning

A peaceful morning. Waking up.. Washing up... Dolling up... Driving up...and the traffic was perfect! :) Look up to the sky when the sun starting to shine and the clear blue sky right on top of me. A bit boring though when the traffic starting to slow down on half way up to KL. Decided to be a little playful with my neighbouring pajero chinaman uncle on the other lane. Since last night , I watched that Tiffany, SNSD wink and cute I decided to be a copycat kekekeke .... I turn my side face to the left and give the uncle .....Wink! wink! wink three times with the most beautiful and cute smile..... I admitted I don't look adorable like Tiffany but at least I tried ...ahahahaahaha ... I know I look like a pervert or horny woman but it is fun though... when that uncle gave the weird look ... I started to burst out into laughter... wakakakakakakaka.... uncle watch out for the car in front!!!! Reached office, pick up my morning newspaper and head down to breakfast. mmmm today ...

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