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Showing posts with the label day trip

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Early April, I travel to Saigon with my Last Sis for first time. Yup! first time travel with somebody after years traveling with just me. We took Air Asia not Vietnam Airlines....hehehehe This trip not really plan. Just one ad hoc travel for the sake feel like getting out of Malaysia. Oh! WTH! I sounded like so rich woman huh? Reached at Saigon Airport, we were greeted with crowds of young girl with all those banners. 'I love You' and bla bla bla banners Aikkkksss! my sis and I thought we are like 'hallyu star' I was dragging 'fat bag' out while my eyes busy looking for signage for 'CINDYRINA'. My sis with her 'bloody heavy' bagpack...and she was busy looking at the line of girls waiting anxiously for somebody important to walk out from international arrival. Me : Wei! look for my name le...quick we need to go to Hotel. Tired le... My sis : but no your name only 'M-Tiful' Me : huh??? vietnamese band ke? My sis : No


Yeay! today is my final class. I have done my presentation slides and now just need to REHEARSE REHEARSE AGAIN AND AGAIN for 23 April 2014 presentation. My public speaking is so 'damn terror' so need to work harder le. Guess what? My super solid not so loyal netbook battery sadly announced died last night. WTH! More money to spend for new battery. Hopefully less than RM100. Just now met my ex boss for lunch. He called me out to see if both of us could work together again. Just for lunch...why not? He is my great 'SIFU' after all! He choose Nando's and I am not chicken so healthily...salad! Whoa!!!! I am so bloody healthy today? Early morning drink fruits and veggies juice and then half of sweet pears. Lunch salad...dinner???? muaahahahahahaha... I whack 'nasi lemak'with sunny top egg.WTH!!!! kekekekekeke...blame myself for not losing weight...I am so evil to myself today. Talk about my ex Boss...he is still

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