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Showing posts with the label duit raya

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It is our tradition to give out 'duit raya' aka 'ang pau' money to loves one during festive season. Well ...if Chinese, as long as you is time for you to give out. But to our Malay culture married or single, as long as you working...time to pay the toll. isk isk isk. Lucky, I am not born to so many siblings and among 4 sisters only my first sister married with children. She has 4 children - 2 boys and 2 girls.  This year as usual I gave out 'duit raya' to my parent and last sister.  My last sis still studying and still deserve the 'duit raya'. hehehehe this year is her last. She have to start working next year!  I also gave out some to my nephews and nieces. As usual..not so easy getting something from me..even it is just once a year. This year I have some event for those who think deserve my 'duit raya'. As usual...this naughty Aunty!!!! kekekekeke (evil laugh) I announced to them...if you want 'dui...

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