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Showing posts with the label education

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Tips To Choosing The Right Course For Further Study

  As someone who is completing high school soon, I bet many still searching and wondering which course is suitable for you to continue studying to higher learning. Many people may write, that you need to choose what you love in order to find happiness in life. To be honest, some of us have no liberty to study the course for the sake of happiness in life but more on survival. I would rather advise the young one to pursue study in the course that able them to earn for a living. Here are some tips on making the filtration on the right college, university and course to narrow down to where you want to be - very quickly. 👉 Acknowledge your existing skill set and experience 👉 Think about what interests you more 👉 Take into consideration career prospects and employment opportunities 👉 Where would you like to study? Have you heard about Saito University College? Saito University College was founded in the year 1988 by Mr Tetsuo Saito as the Saito Academy of Design. Now Saito has been estab

Looking for Accounts Assistant - Day 3

Wet Friday! But wet or dry .... its Friday everyone!!!!!! I like it! Today my staff almost drop their jaw to see many candidates coming in non stop. That means I double booked myself to see those people. Well... I did this on purpose. I just want to see how human re act on competition. I asked them to be place in the same room while filling up the forms. At least 5 - 6 of them in the same room as early as 9.30am. My interview for the day stop at 1.30pm. Just nice for my lunch. I am not going to write anything about the candidates tonight. Tired I guess. Not much different but bearable and I made my decision by evening. Oooopppsss!!! today I make one candidate cried. Not in purpose hope because she reflect after seeing me. If she feel down after meeting me today... hope God will forgive me because God knows I don't intentionally but my mean is to make them wake up from our government lullaby. Of course, gather my staff and discuss about my choice of new team memb

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