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Showing posts with the label good business ideas

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It's a fact of business life that people come and go... The offer of better prospects or career advancement elsewhere will naturally draw good people away from time to time. Well this is the reality of life, isn't it??? But what about the others-the ones who leave in order to do much the same thing, for much the same money,elsewhere??? What went wrong here??? Don't you think this scenario is common too??? Bosses will often assume it's question of pay.  Well lazy thinker Bosses will assume this scenario at it is!! Thinking in employees shoes, I put it this way.... Money is important ! It is hypocrite of anybody not thinking money as less important! Don't you think it's essential to pay people fairly for the job they do??? Bosses!!!! get real...we employee need fair compensation for our services to you and your companies. When companies doing well ...don't you think ...bosses??? you need share out some profits of your compa...

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