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Showing posts with the label greedy princess

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Bagan adventure post will come soon...give me a break...I have many to catch up in my daily life too... Saturday!!!! Yeay!!! I am suppose to shout this way.... But this week??? I am so busy....and I am unable to shout that....I just go huhuhuhuh... Wake up as early as 6am. Damn!!! Running running on treadmill like lil fat chubby hamster. Then after shower off to visit parent to send them off. Till we meet again my dear dad and mum. I wish both of you well and healthy. I have faith to my dear God...and always pray that I leave both of you to God will... Any choice I have? No...up to the CREATOR!!! All of I right? Then back home do spring cleaning since I am re stocking my house supplies. Oh! hard work for me though!!! Too many expired item need to be thrown away... Can't blame me yo... working day and night ....I have not much time left for myself so doing the house chores....ahhhhh....there you go the whining...hahahaha My lazy mood excuses...g

Year 2013 -bE hEaLtHy AND mOrE ThAnKfUl

Tomorrow is new year 2013. We still breathing on this earth..... We still surviving on this earth..... What is your new year resolution? More money? Better future? Be richer? Handsome husband? Better car? Better home? Be a CEO of company? Lose weight? Travel around the world? Be more beautiful? Oh well.... you can start list it down as many as you can... No dream means .... it is end of your life... Keep dreaming and try to make it happen... Give yourself a realistic dreams....   For me... Year 2013 , I just want to be with the flow... Living my by day... Live my life at the best.... Be a good person... This is my promise to God!   enough of all know during Xmas day..I did something odd this year... I am in Malaysia. Normally , I will be travelling around to some other country... Oh well... since I just back from Seoul in November... so December need to stay in Malaysia and be a good girl...muahahaha  

Seoul : Jongmyo Shrine

Early morning after breakfast, I went out walking towards the historical sites. There are tourist guide map which I took from Hotel reception. I just follow through the map and found out the palaces and other historical sites is just walking distance from place I stay. Horraaayyyy!!!! OMO!!!! now I feel like I should have stay longer...not enough time to cover this all. There is lots of walking and walking and walking..... every night back home with sore feet!!!!   First site I visited is Jongmyo Shrine (Chongmyo Shrine). This place built at the same time as Gyeongbok Palace to hold the ancestral tablets for the kings during the Joseon Dynasty. The royal family will perform elaborate rituals here , 5 times a year to respect their ancestors. They still practice this until now. However , in modern days they will only perform this once a year which is during month of May.   Since this is the place to pray for the dead, so walking at this large area early in the morning is

Seoul - Foodies

I will slowly update my journey to Seoul last 2 weeks. All photos need to be resize to suit this size. So hate!!!! Can't you increase it for me for free????? huh huh...   OK...check out my feast during my journey to Seoul.   My bless plane food. I was given seafood meal..special request! Even my late night snack came with smoke salmon salad ..OMO!!!   This squid meal set is totally bless. My first time communicating with Ajumma.... I went to one restaurant..they just open because early in the morning. I saw they have photos and words in English. I then decided to try their spicy squid meal but don't know how to tell in Korean. I walked in to the restaurant. They greeted me ...Annyeong ha saeyo!!!! Me reply the same and smile.... One Ajumma at kimbap counter. Rolling rolling rolling...yeah..that kimbab look like sushi. One Ajumma serving me... She gave me the menu.. I go...OMO! all in photo no picture.

Birthday year 2012 - 12.10.2012

I woke up with positive mind... Today is a special day! I want to have a humble birthday this year!!! Eheh! like I have grand birthday in past year....hehehehe My initial plan is this year to celebrate in another country like seoul.... ohhohohoho...talking about humble a second ago and now I am bragging...huh? Talking like all this no need money, huh??? Anyway, due to some reason...I am here in Malaysia and do it my style.... hehehe not 'Gangnam style' but 'Rina style'! Gangnam style too expensive, wor!   Chinggu due to fly off to Xiamen the next day.... The whole day on 12 Oct 2012, I have my personal driver....yipey!!! so called humble birthday huh       Start my day with shopping for grocceries to give out to Joy Garden Old Folk home near Semenyih.   I don't even have time to grab some breakfast for myself...isk isk... anyway good cause comes first! Love to see the happy face...I bought them buns too!!!!    Then h

Eve Birthday Bash Dinner - Ben's KLCC

Its Monday!!! Wet Monday... When I woke up this morning with rain sound...OMO!!! The first thing came to my mind..... Why???? Why today is not Sunday or Saturday??? Why??? Aissshhh!!! force myself out from my bed. Orange blanket....I miss you warmness!!! Red blanket!!!! I wish I can bring you to my office...ok ok ok..DRAMA Queen!!! stop it! With lazy ass...dragged myself to shower room...uwaaaaa cold!!! bbbrrr...   Talk about the wet Monday monring traffic jam??? The jamness???? urgghhhh!!! enough to right feet numb driving to work....OMO!!!   Ok ok enough with my blabbering....   11 Oct 2012 at Ben's KLCC with 2 colleagues for my birthday eve dinner     My colleagues both ordered this fresh orange and water melon with lychee drink Me??? I don't really order drink when I eat out! I don't really like sweet drink. Prefer plain water!    Onion ring that make all three of us complaining on Monday morning

Tea Time at New Shanghai

Saturday teatime at New Shanghai, Pavillion Love the ambience Thought of trying their flower tea...afraid turn out like in 'Secret Garden' Han Ji Won and  Hyun Bin change body ...eheh since Hyun Bin not in front of coffee thirst is stronger..hahaha need more whitening cream to become shanghai girl....  I had this radish cake...OMO...I guess it overcooked and taste ???? disappointed! That uncle at the background totally into his food!!!! Ohooooo.... Crispy Chinese Pancake - Lotus  Shrimp dumpling Thousand Layer cakes....Oh! well...I counted...this cake barely thousand layer....not even 5 layers ok! jeng Americano...and Chinggu said this is just a Hainan Kopi O!!! Princess said.... WHATEVER!!!! as long as this is coffee...

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