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Showing posts with the label halal food in medan

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Medan - 1st Day

Camwhore at airport while waiting to board the plane Hotel interior...reasonable 1st camwhore @ hotel before off for 1st night dinner in medan Place to sleep in Medan Medan City view from my room Beautiful sky As usual snap snap to kill my time At Jala Jala restaurant for my 1st night dinner

Medan Trip - The Food

Seafood Porridge for lunch @ Marrybrown before take off to Medan My 1st night dinner - at Jala Jala Restaurant next to where I stay. Conveniently, the place I stayed in Medan connecting to small Shopping Mall call The Cambridge Mall. It is a Chinese Style Restaurant. I taste some of their best dim sum. Since I only eat seafood , my dim sum choice is with prawn. Guess, my cholesterol level still shooting up even after two weeks back from Medan. :) Forgot the name - outer base is from bread and the filling is prawn with some sauce. Juicy inside and crispy from the outside. Delicious! Owh! still prawn inside. The skin is soft and with sticky milk. Sweet! but still good taste though... Seafood fried rice. Not bad! Grilled fish rice. I love the butter rice..mmmmm delicious! but the minus is the fish is too sweet. Dumpling with prawn inside Seafood tomyam Medan style. OMG!!!! too sweet and taste yucky! :( thumbs down Seriously this one is nice ... fresh prawn inside those wrap. 2nd day - bre

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