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Showing posts with the label hana yori dango

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Great Weekend

I finished my 1st assignment last Saturday and submitted on Sunday morning. Now I have one more to go. Hope to finish off by this Friday. I am still in honey moon period hahaha yup! got carried away since finished one assignment. My purse does my handbag :( Yesterday visited Sg Wang to get one purse. LV hahaha dont really want to get LV but somehow bought it and only realise its LV. RM30 worth of LV what the heck! hihihih fake LV!!! Can't get bag that i wanted ,so no handbag settle with old old one from my box. Thought of going to Food Republic @ Pavillion for my favourite Ipoh Curry Laksa. Somehow too full of people and got no place to sit at all. I remembered my friend Brandom open one 'Little Ben' @ Pavillion . Walk towards 'old town' and found my friend's restaurant there. mmm love the set up. Very nice! I settle with Nasi Dagang and Sailor Mee and also lemon grass tea. Splendid! The food was marvellous! Right now! I just got carried away and entert...

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