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Showing posts with the label hard outside

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Am I too kind

Talk about soft hearted!!!! I win 5 times in a row... Hard outside soft inside..... Na Uh-dduk-hae ??? (in korean means What should I do??) What should I do with myself??? I can't pass people who asked me for favor. all my life I am living for people and not for myself. When can I learn to live for myself? Am I strong enough to put myself first then others??? Am I going to make it this year??? Well hopefully , early year complication means positive sign??? or it just another bad start? I hope to see this as positive and when I start with complicated way means I have more time to rectify things and make things better???? OK! I will try to solve all this complication one at the time and will take it positively. I need to be clear and hope can think and will sort out at least 70% as what I want it to be. Cindyrina fighting!!!!! Jia yor jia yor!!!

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